May 17, 2024

Mental health, well-being focus important for all employees

Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and the Employee Assistance Program is encouraging all Huskers to take a moment to think about their mental health and well-being.

Work and life can be stressful. Take a breath. Take a walk. Reach out for support.

Here are a few suggestions for things to do this month to think about mental health:

Take the Moment

Join the National Alliance on Mental Illness campaign by viewing their signature programs. These programs include  Basics, Family-to-Family, Family and Friends, Homefront, In Our Own Voice, Peer-to-Peer, Support Groups, and the invaluable HelpLine. The HelpLine is a free, nationwide peer-support service providing information, resource referrals, and support to people living with a mental health condition, their family members, caregivers, mental health providers, and the public. Find more information and resources on the NAMI Mental Health Awareness Month webpage.

Share on Social Media

Throughout May, share why or how you are taking moments to prioritize your mental health. Use the hashtag #TakeAMentalHealthMoment in your posts. NAMI encourages everyone to participate and tag them at @NAMICommunicate on Instagram, Threads, and X, and @NAMI on LinkedIn, TikTok and Facebook.

Wear a green ribbon

It is the international symbol of mental health awareness and shows our shared commitment to mental health. The Employee Assistance Program has plenty to share. You can find us online or reach us at 402-472-3107.