May 15, 2020

McIntosh's warm, comfortable space earns Husker Home Office honor

Mattie McIntosh sits in her home office with Zelda, a German shepherd. The video editor for IANR Media is this week’s winner of the Husker Home Office honor.

Mattie McIntosh sits in her home office with Zelda, a German shepherd. The video editor for IANR Media is this week’s winner of the Husker Home Office honor.

After the successful completion of a semester like no other — including the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s first virtual graduation ceremony — the University Communication team is showcasing a cozy, dog-friendly space as Husker Home Office of the Week.

After serving for nearly two years as a video producer for IANR Media, Mattie McIntosh has successfully transitioned to a home office space that allows for a relaxed (and productive) work environment, the chance to see the many weather changes of a Nebraska spring, and the occasional wildlife encounter.

The Husker Home Office of the Week honor repeats weekly until employees return to widespread working from campus. To be considered for the weekly drawing, see below.

But, first, here are McIntosh’s responses to how working from home is progressing alongside some tips for other employees to consider.

Why does this space work for you?

My home office works for me because it is very cozy. I love being able to look out the window into the backyard and watch the squirrels and see the weather. My dual monitor set up also works well for video editing. Having my dog, Zelda, next to me is an extra benefit.

What is your favorite item in your home office space?

Other than my dog, my favorite item in my home office space is my blanket. The one on my chair is actually the one I usually keep in my office since I tend to get cold easily. I also like my desk. My fiancé and I each stained our own desktops from butcher block and added legs we bought off Amazon so, it’s kind of cool to get to work on something you created yourself.

What do you miss most about your campus space?

I really miss working on East Campus. During spring, when the landscape and grounds crews are working hard, it’s amazing to see the transformation they bring to the gardens. So many flowers and trees with a lot of colors. It’s a beautiful place and I miss taking my lunch time walks. I also miss my coworkers! It’s strange not going into the office and saying “hi” to everyone and working from home while still trying to work as a team can have its challenges.

Do you have a tip you’ve developed while working from home?

I think a good tip for everyone working from home is communication. I never realized how much I actually talk to my coworkers during the day to figure out little things. Now I feel like I’m sending a lot more emails so I’ve tried to make sure I think through all of my questions so they’re in a concise single email rather than multiple. I also make sure I’m replying to my emails as soon as possible so I can help my coworkers out with whatever they need as well.

To be considered for the honor, submit photos of your custom space via email to along with answers to the the questions below. The award winner will be notified on each Thursday, with their space appearing in the Friday edition of Nebraska Today. For more information, send email to

Entries for the “Husker Home Office of the Week” must include your name, university position, home department, phone number (for contact, if necessary), years employed on campus, home address (to mail the award), and answers to at least three of these five questions:

- Why does this space work for you?

- What tips for a successful work-from-home day do you have for fellow employees?

- What is your favorite item in the home office space?

- What do you miss most about your campus space?

- Is there any process/concept/idea that you’ve experienced working from home that you hope to integrate when we return to campus?