University Libraries has entered into a new “read and publish” agreement with the Royal Society of Chemistry, beginning Jan. 1. In addition to subscription access to the complete package of RSC journals, the agreement provides for Open Access publishing in RSC journals by corresponding authors affiliated with any NU campus, at no cost to themselves.
The associated publication charges, known as Article Processing Charges or APCs, are covered by UNL Libraries. This supplements existing agreements covering Open Access publishing with Wiley, Cambridge University Press, Biochemical Society/Portland Press, Institute of Physics (IOP) Publishing, Microbiology Society, and The Company of Biologists. UNL Libraries have provided over $250,000 in APC cost avoidance to authors since 2021.
Corresponding authors must be affiliated with a University of Nebraska institution in order to be eligible for the APC waiver from RSC. Authors publishing OA will retain copyright, and the article will be published under a CC-BY or CC-BY-NC license. Instructions are available from RSC. This agreement also provides unlimited reading access to all RSC journals. For more information, contact David Macaulay at dmacaulay2@unl.edu.
Regardless of where they publish, UNL authors can also make their articles openly available (publisher agreement permitting) at no cost via the UNL Libraries Digital Commons repository. For assistance in depositing documents or for more information regarding the Digital Commons, contact Sue Gardner, email sgardner2@unl.edu, or Linnea Fredrickson, email lfredrickson2@unl.edu.