Registration is open for Jr. Blackshirts, a football game-day camp for children.
During home football games, Campus Recreation provides recreational activities in a childcare setting at the Campus Rec Center, which is one block east of Memorial Stadium. Children 2 to 12 years of age are welcome to attend while parents or guardians attend the Husker football game. Jr. Blackshirts begins 90 minutes prior to the scheduled game time and ends 45 minutes after the game.
The program is administered by campus professional staff and supported by university students. To ensure high quality and optimal supervision, the camp maintains a low child-to-staff ratio.
Children have a choice of activities they would like to participate in, and age appropriate toys and games are provided. Swimming is available for participants 6 to 12 years of age. Other activities include relays, games, movies, crafts, board games, parachute games, basketball, football, soccer, volleyball and badminton.
Jr. Blackshirts is offered during the following Husker home football games:
Sept. 3 — Fresno State, 7 p.m.
Sept. 10 — Wyoming, 11 a.m.
Sept. 17 — Oregon, 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 1 — Illinois, 2:30 p.m.
Oct. 22 — Purdue, to be announced
Nov. 12 — Minnesota, 6:30 p.m.
Nov. 19 — Maryland, to be announced
Registration fees are $30 per child per game, and registration deadlines are the Wednesday prior to game day.
Pre-registration is required, and no drop-off participants will be accepted. Spots are limited and typically fill prior to the registration deadline, so early registration is recommended.
To register, or for more information, click here. Signing up in person at the Campus Rec Center during normal business hours is also available.