June 12, 2020

Johnson to retire from University Libraries

Kathleen Johnson

Kathleen Johnson

Kathleen Johnson, professor of libraries, is retiring after 47 years with the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.

Johnson said the highlight of her career was helping countless students, faculty and others find and use the resources they needed for research and teaching. This took various forms — providing reference assistance, teaching classes, working with individuals, creating finding aids (paper and electronic) and purchasing needed books.

Johnson’s special assignments included serving as acting director of the Medieval and Renaissance Studies program from January to June 2015, co-editing The Link: Newsletter of the University of Lincoln-Libraries from 1986 to 2000, and serving as interim chair of Central Reference Services from September 1992 to February 1993.

Throughout nearly five decades, Johnson’s subject liaison assignments included architecture, art, classics, community and regional planning, dance, English, film studies, journalism, Judaic studies, medieval and renaissance studies, modern languages, philosophy, religious studies and theatre arts. Johnson authored many refereed, invited and non-refereed publications during her career. She co-edited a book with Steven R. Harris, published in 2009 by ACRL, titled “Teaching Literary Research: Challenges in a Changing Environment.”

Johnson served her profession, the university, the libraries and the local community in many ways. In July 2005, she was elected vice chair/chair-elect for the Literatures in English Section of the Association of College and Research Libraries, serving as chair in 2006-2007. A special highlight was being the first elected chair of the library faculty from December 1980 through August 1982.

Johnson became a member of Phi Beta Kappa in 1972 and serves the organization to the present day in various capacities, including as president of the Alpha of Nebraska Chapter (1981 to 1982), secretary (2003 to 2017) and is currently chapter historian.

At the state level, Johnson played various roles with the Nebraska Book Festival/Nebraska Center of the Book, serving on the board of the Nebraska Center of the Book from 2000-2005 and as its president from November 2002-2003. She was president from 2008-2009 of the Nebraska Literary Heritage Association and continues to chair a committee and serve on the board.

The libraries has provided an online board where faculty, staff and students can leave Johnson a message.