Students can now apply to serve on University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s International Student Advisory Board. The organization is seeking officers and general members.
Interested students should be passionate about advocacy for the international student community at Nebraska.
Applications are due by noon on Jan. 19. Please find the link to the application form and follow all steps listed on the form here.
What is ISAB and what do we do?
ISAB aims to be the united voice of international students at Nebraska. We advocate for international students in order to better their experiences at our campus. This past year since ISAB’s founding, we led a series of initiatives include:
A series of Community Chats where international students are able to raise their voices and share their experiences in a student-led, safe, and brave space. Information gathered in Community Chats has been reported to campus leaders within the global space. ISAB aims to implement changes with various campus partners based on Community Chats findings and recommendations.
An International Student Career Pathway event featuring: a panel discussion with 5 international alumni, free career headshots, resume / cover letter / LinkedIn reviews by UNL Career Services and Graduate Studies.
International Student Advising Training (ISAT) to be implemented at college-level. Specifically aimed to provide training and professional development for faculty and staff who work with or advise international students.
Strong partnerships and relationships with campus leadership and administrative units such as Associate Vice Chancellor for Global Affairs, Office of Global Strategies, ISSO, AFIRE, OASIS, and more.
What does being a member in ISAB entail?
We are seeking for individuals to serve in Executive Board positions and as general Members. All ISAB members are expected to attend weekly meetings on Thursdays at 6-7 p.m. Executive Board officers are expected to meet as a board with weekly/biweekly meetings.
Applicants interested in serving on the Executive Board will go through an interview process. Information on the Executive Board positions can be found here.
All general members of ISAB are expected to be involved in one of the committees. Goals and tasks of each committee can be foundhere.
For any questions about joining ISAB, please contact the leaders of ISAB at isab@unl.edu.