Instructors are encouraged to submit their textbook orders for spring semester to the University Bookstore as soon as possible. Textbook publishers are warning a paper shortage, combined with labor shortages and continued disruptions in the supply chain, could delay books arriving in time for the start of classes in January.
"We saw a slight delay in fall, with some students not receiving books until after classes started," said Jeni Fuchs, director of the University Bookstore. "Publishers are concerned the current paper shortage could increase delays further. Digital course materials are a great alternative for instructors who have not finalized their textbook needs for spring."
The university offers a variety of affordable content programs instructors can use in the classroom. These include Follett Access, Unizin Engage, open education resources, Successful Teaching with Affordable Resources, and Open Nebraska (a new offering in the spring).
Instructors can learn more about digital course materials in the Affordable Content Faculty Guide or contact Brad Severa, academic technology support specialist, at bsevera@nebraska.edu.
Questions about textbook order deadlines and delays should be directed to Linda Green, course materials manager, at lgreen3@unl.edu.