The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has united under a new brand that connects the gritty work ethic in the Midwest with Husker glory in athletics, academics and research.
Chancellor Ronnie Green launched the “In Our Grit, Our Glory” brand Aug. 30 to a standing-room-only audience of faculty and staff in the Nebraska Union. It was followed by a rally for the entire campus community on the Nebraska Union Plaza.
“This new brand is our North Star,” Green said. “It reflects not only who we are on our best days, but who we are aspirationally, as we look forward to what we want this place to be.”
The brand was created through an inclusive, 16 month process and shaped by thousands of testing surveys, interactions with hundreds of faculty and staff, student focus groups and surveys of university stakeholders.
The brand and new institutional TV spot were created by University Communication in partnership with Academic Services and Enrollment Management, Chancellor’s Office, and the Executive Vice Chancellor’s Office.
More than 500 faculty and staff packed the Nebraska Union’s Centennial Room for the Aug. 30 reveal. Along with presentations from Green; Donde Plowman, executive vice chancellor; and Mike Boehm, vice chancellor for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, the event included an overview of the branding process, presentation of the brand positioning statement, and showing of the new institutional TV spot.
“This is a new and exciting way to present the university,” said Glenn Nierman, professor of music. “I believe it’s a concept that everyone can relate to — especially those 17- to 18-year-old future college students.”
Many faculty and staff in attendance approved of the way the message connected Nebraska’s historic strengths — primarily athletic field prowess and classroom successes.
“It’s not just an athletics thing. It’s not just an academics thing. And, it’s not just a research thing,” said Veronica Riepe, director of Student Involvement. “This is a brand that connects us all — students, faculty and staff.”
After the brand presentation, faculty and staff joined hundreds of students on the Nebraska Union Plaza for a rally that included a DJ, free “In Our Grit, Our Glory” giveaways, food and video screens showcasing the institutional spot.
The grit and glory concept was also well received by students.
“I think it’s cool and empowering to the student body,” said Grace Gugel, a freshman and education major. “It gives me a good sense of motivation. I’m excited to show my grit and my hard work in my studies, participation and activities. The glory is going to be graduating with a degree.”
Marwa Eissa, a junior and psychology major, said the rally was a unique way to launch the brand and build unity across the campus community.
“This is a really fun way to get everyone together,” Eissa said. “I’ve seen ‘Grit’ and ‘Glory’ around campus and was wondering what it was. Now I know it means this is what we’re about, this is what we’re for, and we’re here for the students.”
Nebraska’s celebration of the new brand continues Aug. 31 with an 11:30 a.m. faculty and staff presentation in the East Union and a student rally at noon on the East Campus Mall.