Faculty and staff represent the most important asset to the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources in achieving its tri-partite mission of education, research, and translational extension.
June 30 marks the end of an academic and fiscal year for IANR, and it has been a particularly monumental year, including the retirement of a large number of faculty and staff.
UNL and IANR wishes to thank those who have recently retired for their dedication, commitment and immeasurable contributions in making IANR a world-class leading institution in agriculture, natural resources and human sciences.
Collectively, these professionals have given 924 years of faculty service and 677 years of staff service to UNL and IANR. IANR today is on the leading edge of food production, environmental stewardship, human nutrition, business development and youth engagement due to the collective efforts of these individuals and they will be deeply missed. IANR wishes them the very best in the years ahead for them and their families.
The following are faculty and staff who have retired since July 1, 2014:
Tony Anderson, West Central Research and Extension Center, 35 years of service
Alan Baquet, Center for Grassland Studies, 17 years of service
Donald Beermann, Animal Science, 16 years of service
James Brandle, Natural Resources, 40 years of service
Janice Burton, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, 18 years of service
Paul Clark, Nebraska School of Technical Agriculture, 6 years of service
Kathi Cockrill, Agronomy and Horticulture, 28 years of service
Dennis Conley, Agricultural Economics, 27 years of service
LuAnn Detwiler, IANR, 29 years of service
Mark Dragastin, Animal Science, 30 years of service
Gladys Earhart, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, 7 years of service
Sharon Eichner, 4-H Youth Development, 15 years of service
Dean Eisenhauer, Biological Systems Engineering, 40 years of service
Patricia Fairchild, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication, 15 years of service
Patricia Freeman, Natural Resources, 34 years of service
Gary Gooding, Educational Media, 18 years of service
Richard Goodding II, Agronomy and Horticulture, 41 years of service
Janice Hamer, Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communication, 14 years of service
Gary Hergert, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 40 years of service
Laurie Hodges, Agronomy and Horticulture, 26 years of service
Thomas Hoegemeyer, Agronomy and Horticulture, 6 years of service
Kenneth Hubbard, Natural Resources, 34 years of service
Scott Hygnstrom, Natural Resources, 27 years of service
Lanny Keasling, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, 16 year of service
Leslie Korte, Agronomy and Horticulture, 41 years of service
Mark Kuzila, Natural Resources, 40 years of service
Lillian Larsen, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, 38 years of service
Bryan Mach, U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, 32 years of service
Rodney Martens, Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, 17 years of service
David Marx, Statistics, 26 years of service
Richard Meyer, Animal Science, 43 years of service
Gordon Moeller, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 11 years of service
Anne Moore, Educational Media, 43 years of service
Merlyn Nielsen, Animal Science, 41 years of service
Thomas Nightingale, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 40 years of service
Barbara Ogg, Southeast Research and Extension Center, 20 years of service
Robert O’Neill, Panhandle Research and Extension Center, 31 years of service
Janet Owens, Educational Media, 15 years of service
Anne Parkhurst, Statistics, 46 years of service
Barbara Pike, Statistics, 11 years of service
Jalayne Reining, Nebraska Extension, 14 years of service
Barbara Scharf, West Central Research and Extension Center, 35 years of service
Dennis Schulte, Biological Systems Engineering, 37 years of service
Catherine Schultz, Southeast Research and Extension Center, 11 years of service
David Shelton, Northeast Research and Extension Center, 39 years of service
Bernice Sieber, Natural Resources, 40 years of service
Robert Spreitzer, Biochemistry, 31 years of service
Mary Stevens, Nebraska Local Technical Assistance Program, 36 years of service
Susan Kay Voss, Agricultural Science and Natural Resources, 28 years of service
Diane Vigna, Textiles, Merchandising, and Fashion Design, 19 years of service
Robert Weatherly Jr., Agricultural Research and Development Center, 10 years of service
Don Weeks, Biochemistry, 26 years of service
Donald Westover, Nebraska Forest Service, 40 years of service
Susan Williams, Southeast Research and Extension Center, 32 years of service
Michael Zeece, Food Science and Technology Department, 31 years of service