Sustain UNL will host Renee Sans Souci for a 7 p.m. Nov. 4 conversation in the Nebraska Union food court, Room C/D.
The event, “Line 3 and the Fight for Climate Justice,” is free and open to the campus community. Sans Souci, a University of Nebraska–Lincoln alumna and member of the Omaha Nation, will share her experiences protesting the Line 3 pipeline in Minnesota. She will also discuss how the protests relate to climate justice.
Sustain UNL is a student-led environmental organization dedicated to creating a sustainable world through activism, education and service-engagement.
A practitioner of traditional healing, Sans Souci combines her life experiences with a learning process that helps learners to engage in their own cultural identities and languages.
Per local guidelines, masks are required to attend. The event will also be available via Zoom. For more information, or to obtain the Zoom URL, send email to sustainunl@gmail.com.