March 19, 2020

Human Resources offers COVID-19 resources for employees

Love Library shines for the NU Foundation's Glow Big Red event on Feb. 13-14. The project features a giving campaign that reaches out to university supporters around the globe. It coincides with the university's Charter Day of Feb. 15.
Justin Mohling | University Communication

Justin Mohling | University Communication

University of Nebraska–Lincoln employees can access a resource for information related to working during the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak.

The COVID-19: How to Keep Working and Stay Safe webpage features official university policy related to alternative work arrangements, resources for supervisors and emergency paid administrative leave options.

“This is intended as a reference for all employees as we continue our important work — some already in a modified capacity — supporting students and the mission of the university,” said Bruce Currin, assistant vice chancellor for Human Resources. “To keep these vital functions moving forward, we encourage all employees to practice social distancing as recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and to work with supervisors to activate remote work arrangements wherever possible.”

The university has in place an alternative worksite policy that allows flexibility with supervisor approvals.

To further assist employees, the University of Nebraska system is offering 80 hours of emergency paid administrative leave for issues related to COVID-19.

Learn more about the How to Keep Working and Stay Safe webpage.