Nebraska community members can enjoy great food and conversation with some of the brightest minds in the state at Honoring the Future, a fundraiser for Nebraska internships.
This night of dinner and discussion will feature table talks on a variety of subjects by esteemed faculty members and an entirely Nebraskan food menu created by Wahadi Allen, executive chef at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. The fundraiser, co-sponsored by the University Honors Program, Beyond School Bells, a Program of Nebraska Children and Families Foundation; Lincoln Community Foundation; Nebraska Community Foundation; and Union Bank & Trust, will be held At 5 p.m. on Oct. 28 at the Nebraska Union Platte River Room. Tickets can be purchased here.
The fundraiser will benefit Operation Brain Gain, a campaign at identifying communities throughout the state that need Honors talent. All donations will go toward providing internships for students throughout the state so that the best and brightest students see Nebraska as a place where they can intern, innovate and develop professionally, both now and in the future.
At the event, attendees will choose their conversation and table from 10 options, featuring faculty members speaking on their areas of expertise ranging from loneliness and technology to the world’s coral reefs. A full list of speakers can be found below, with more details here.
Featured Table Topics:
What are the Humanities Good For? with Tim Borstelmann from the College of Arts and Sciences
Reel Talk: The Power of the Popular with Tamy Burnett from the College of Arts and Sciences
The Power of Book Clubs with Amy Goodburn from the College of Arts and Sciences
We Are Lonely. Here’s How Technology Can Help with Valerie Jones from the College of Journalism and Mass Communications
You Don’t Know What You’ve Got Until It’s gone: Engineering Our Supply Chain with Daniel Linzell from the College of Engineering
The World is Crazy, but there are Reasons for Optimism with Patrice McMahon from the College of Arts and Sciences
Will We Be Able to Feed 10 Billion People in 2050? with Wes Peterson from the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Prioritizing Others with Jordin Soliz from the College of Arts and Sciences
Why Do We Travel? with Hana Waisserova from the College of Arts and Sciences
The World’s Coral Reefs with Tyler White from the College of Arts and Sciences
This event relates to the Nebraska Honors Programs’ core mission of the exploration of ideas through discussion. All honors classes include time for thoughtful discussion and debate. The fundraiser will benefit Nebraska internships and Operation Brain Gain. Internships help Nebraska address brain drain, as research shows that the more opportunities students have in a community, the more likely they are to stay in the community and that the more professional development opportunities students have, the more successful they will be.
Tickets are $100 for one seat at a table of seven. Paid parking will be available at 17th and R or 14th and P. Those who cannot attend can still invest in Nebraska by investing in Operation Brain Gain with a voluntary donation.
Those with questions can view the event details here, email uhon-office@unl.edu or call 402-472-5425.