August 21, 2020

Guidelines for COVID-19 case reporting, contact tracing announced

VIDEO: Free COVID-19 testing available on campus

The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has finalized campus protocols for reporting positive COVID-19 diagnoses and outlined contact tracing procedures.

Any member of the campus community who tests positive for COVID-19 should:

  • Immediately notify the university’s Public Health Advocacy Team at

  • Notify a direct supervisor if they work on campus.

Students should contact instructors to work out alternative arrangements for assignments and coursework.

Supervisors, instructors and student support staff who learn of a positive COVID-19 case are asked to promptly notify the university’s Public Health Advocacy Team at or via text message to 402-266-6865.

Campus supervisors or employees who learn of a positive case should not notify anyone other than the Public Health Advocacy Team. This includes anyone who shares a workspace, classroom or living space with the individual who tested positive.

The Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department conducts contact tracing for the university community with support provided by the Public Health Advocacy Team. The university team is also a resource to assist faculty, staff and students navigate school and work after testing positive for COVID-19.

Local health officials and the university team will communicate directly with faculty, staff and students by phone, text or email to conduct contact tracing and notify close contacts about potential exposure.

Anyone informed about exposure must quarantine for a minimum of 14 days from the last day they were in close contact with an individual who has tested positive. They should also self-monitor for symptoms and seek the advice of a medical professional to confirm the need for a COVID-19 test.

Faculty, staff and students who are exposed should contact their supervisor and/or instructor(s) to make alternative arrangements as needed for work and school while self-quarantining. Individuals who test negative following exposure should remain in quarantine for the 14-day period.

Additional protocols for quarantine are available here. Learn more about on-campus COVID-19 testing and guidelines.