Tasha Golden will give a talk on “Arts, Health and Health Equity: Opportunities for Impact” at 1 p.m. Feb. 8. This event is free and open to the public.
Register for the Zoom link here.
This talk will offer an overview of four key ways in which the arts can impact health and health equity at multiple levels of the social ecological model: from individuals to communities, policies and culture. Recent research and emerging creative models point to actionable opportunities to bolster health equity; the work begins with reimagining how we define and conceptualize “health,” and with meaningfully integrating arts and culture into community and public health efforts.
Golden is the director of research at the International Arts + Mind Lab at Johns Hopkins University, and a national leader and consultant in arts plus public health. Holding a doctorate in public health sciences, Golden has served as an adviser on several national health initiatives, and is adjunct faculty for the University of Florida’s Center for Arts in Medicine. She recently led the pilot evaluation of CultureRx in Massachusetts, the first arts-on-prescription model in the United States.
This talk is sponsored by the Minority Health Disparities Initiative, and it is an installment within their Health Equity Grand Rounds.