Global Café, a series of information sessions exploring careers in foreign service and related student programs, will host Amanda Johnson, diplomat-in-residence with the U.S. Department of State, at 12:30 p.m. Nov. 4.
The session, which will be moderated by Nebraska’s Emira Ibrahimpašić, assistant professor of practice and assistant director of global studies, will be offered via Zoom. Registration is required.
During the session, Johnson will discuss career opportunities in the U.S. Department of State and how to become a foreign service officer. Participants will have an opportunity to ask Johnson questions.
With more than 276 diplomatic facilities worldwide and at home, the U.S. Department of State offers a variety of public service careers and benefits. Student programs include internships, study abroad, immersive language opportunities and fellowships for graduate study.
All majors are welcome to attend the free session.
The Global Café series is organized by global studies and the School of Global Integrative Studies.