September 7, 2022

From the Archives | Rush hour

Black and white photo of many students purchasing ice cream at the UNL Dairy Store in the 1966.
University Archives and Special Collections

University Archives and Special Collections

A swarm of students enjoy ice cream cones in the Dairy Store on East Campus in 1966. The Dairy Store has been in operation on East Campus since 1917 and remains a favorite spot for a cold treat every day of the year.

Watch the video below to learn how the 105-year-old Dairy Store makes its ice cream and continues to be the sweetest hang out on campus.

Vi Tran, a senior in actuary science, serves up a cone of Clover 4-H Mint at the Dairy Store on July 18. The university’s Dairy Store team churns out between 200 and 400 gallons of ice cream each week.

“From the Archives” is a new weekly feature in Nebraska Today. Images are provided by Traci Robison, outreach archivist and assistant professor of practice with Archives and Special Collections in the University Libraries. Explore the Archives and Special Collections online. For more information, contact Troy Fedderson at or 402-472-8515.