The Office of Undergraduate Education Programs is seeking faculty to participate in the 2018-19 ACE Leadership Fellows program. Participants have an opportunity to provide guidance and strengthen the university’s Achievement-Centered Education courses in the areas of science, the humanities, and social science.
Leadership fellows will help look back on the goals for which this general education program was developed, explore how well the university community is currently attaining those goals, and chart a path toward continuous improvement for future general education efforts. Beginning in October, program fellows will meet in outcome-specific groups over a six-month period. Participants who complete all the requirements of this six-month program will receive a $1,000 stipend.
The program will begin Oct. 19 at the Teaching and Learning Symposium, with additional meeting times to be arranged by the members of each group. Fellows will also have optional opportunities to participate in external faculty development programs.
Faculty with experience teaching ACE courses 4, 5, or 6 are encouraged to apply. Those interested in participating should contact Patty Sollars at patricia.sollars@unl.edu with a brief statement of interest and indication of experience teaching in the ACE program by Sept. 28.