Chancellor Ronnie Green has named a faculty-led team to direct the development of the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s next five-year strategic plan.
The N150 Strategy Team will build upon the work of the Nebraska 150 Commission, considering and implementing elements of the commission’s aspirational vision on what the university should be by the year 2044. The report provided the foundation for Green’s 2019 State of the University address and was made available for public review on Jan. 15.
“The vision in the N150 Commission report is a clarion call for us to be a transformative, world-leading, 21st-century mission-integrated, land-grant university without walls,” Green said. “While this future may seem bold, now is our time to lead to new heights.”
The 31-member team will be led by co-chairs Rick Bevins, chair and professor of psychology; Shane Farritor, professor of mechanical and materials engineering; Angela Pannier, professor of biological systems engineering; and Sue Sheridan, director of the Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools, and a professor of educational psychology.
“I deliberately wanted this to be a faculty-led initiative,” Green said. “These four faculty were selected as co-chairs because they will bring the necessary passion and commitment to implement this vision.”
The team will guide the development of an initial strategic plan based on the N150 Commission’s call for the university to reach for greater heights in its next generation.
In a combined statement, the N150 Strategy Team co-chairs said they are humbled and excited to lead the development of the plan.
“Now is the time for UNL,” the co-chairs wrote. “We are situated in a rich history and poised for a bold future, creating the conditions for us to become one of the strongest land-grant institutions in the nation.”
Work on the strategic plan kicked off Feb. 15, during Nebraska’s celebration of Charter Day — exactly 150 years from the day the state legislature and governor approved the creation of the university.
Ultimately, the N150 Strategy Team will create a draft N2025 Strategy Blueprint that is Nebraska specific by Aug. 15. The five-year draft blueprint will be vetted broadly by the campus community during the fall semester, submitted to the chancellor by Dec. 31 and launched in early 2020.
“We look forward to articulating a plan that sets the university on a path, with aspirational and inspirational objectives, coupled with metrics that we will use to assess our progress and hold us accountable, moving us toward our goals,” the co-chairs wrote.
The blueprint will be presented to campus for review and feedback through a series of meetings and discussions during the fall semester.
Other portions of the N150 Strategy Team’s charge include:
Identifying highest priority initial strategies to implement the plan across four core aspirations in the N150 Commission report — Nebraska students co-create their experience; research and creativity transforms lives and learning; every person and every interaction matter; and engagement builds communities;
Identifying goals and success metrics for the identified strategies on appropriate short- and long-term time schedules; and
Identifying appropriate structure and institutional accountability for the execution of resulting strategies.
Learn more about the N150 Commission and strategic planning process.
The N150 Strategy Team includes representation from all areas of the university. Other members of the team include:
N150 Strategy Team
Rick Bevins, chair and professor of psychology
Shane Farritor, professor of mechanical and materials engineering
Angie Pannier, professor of biological systems engineering
Sue Sheridan, director, Nebraska Center for Research on Children, Youth, Families and Schools; professor of educational psychology
Team members
Kathy Ankerson, dean, College of Architecture
Marco Barker, vice chancellor for diversity and inclusion (joins after April 1)
Laurie Bellows, interim vice chancellor for student affairs
Ken Bloom, professor of physics and astronomy
Mike Boehm, vice chancellor, Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Nicole Buan, associate professor of biochemistry
Kevin Hanrahan, associate professor of music, president of the Faculty Senate
Carrie Heitmann, co-director of the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, professor of anthropology
Tiffany Heng-Moss, dean, College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Chuck Hibberd, dean and director, Nebraska Extension
Sherri Jones, director, chair and professor of special education and communication disorders
Lisa Kaslon, extension educator and assistant director, Northeast Research and Extension Center
Mary LaGrange, controller, associate vice chancellor for business and finance
Tony Lazarowicz, assistant director of advising, College of Arts and Sciences; president, UAAD
Charlene Maxey-Harris, associate professor, University Libraries (through April 1)
T.J. McDowell, assistant vice chancellor for student affairs
Tawnya Means, assistant dean, College of Business
Richard Moberly, dean, College of Law
Bill Nunez, interim vice chancellor for business and finance
John Kalu Osiri, director of international business program; associate professor of practice
Donde Plowman, executive vice chancellor and chief academic officer
Julia Reilly, president of the Graduate Student Assembly
Kelsey Sims, office associate, Child, Youth and Family Studies; president of UNOPA
Francisco Souto, director, School of Art, Art History and Design
Hunter Traynor, president, ASUN; student regent
Jim Van Etten, professor of plant pathology
Bob Wilhelm, vice chancellor for research and economic development
Ex-officio members
Deb Fiddelke, chief communications and marketing officer
Ronnie Green, chancellor
Diane Mendenhall, associate to the chancellor
Will Thomas, professor of history
Mike Zeleny, chief of staff, associate to the chancellor