The Moran Woodwind Quintet will perform a broad arrangement of compositions in a 7:30 p.m. Nov. 17 faculty recital in Westbrook Hall. The performance is free and open to the public.
The repertoire will include the Quintet in G minor by Franz Dani, a contemporary of Beethoven and a founder of woodwind quintet. Other compositions include “Dreams of the White Tiger,” written by Daniel Baldwin, a recent Doctoral of Musical Arts graduate from UNL; “Pastoral” by Vincent Persichetti; and “Quintet” by John Steinmetz.
The Moran Woodwind Quintet is the resident faculty woodwind quintet of UNL’s Glenn Korff School of Music. Formed in 1986 and named for the late John Moran, director of the school, the quintet has toured extensively. They have also performed at conventions of the College Music Society, the International Double Reed Society and the International Horn Society. They have recorded three CDs.
Quintet members include John Bailey on flute, Diane Barger on clarinet, Alan Mattingly on horn, Jeffrey McCray on bassoon, and William McMullen on oboe.