A Nebraska Extension webinar on livestock risk management for agricultural producers and professionals will take place at 1 p.m. Nov. 12.
The webinar will start with an overview of current livestock market and risk-management issues from two U.S. Department of Agriculture undersecretaries: Greg Ibach, undersecretary for marketing and regulatory programs, and Bill Northey, undersecretary for farm production and conservation. The overview will be moderated by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Brad Lubben, extension associate professor of agricultural economics and director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center.
The presentation will then feature a panel discussion of livestock economics and marketing, as well as the role and use of insurance tools, including the Livestock Risk Protection policy. Panelists are Elliott Dennis, livestock marketing specialist at Nebraska, and Brandon Willis, a former USDA Risk Management Agency administrator who is now with Ranchers Insurance in Utah. Shannon Neibergs, with Washington State University and the Western Extension Risk Management Education Center, will moderate. The webinar is presented as part of the weekly Agricultural Economics Extension Farm and Ranch Management series.
Registration, which is free, is available here.