The Office of Undergraduate Research is seeking postdocs and advanced graduate students from any discipline to serve on the selection committee for the Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experiences program.
Serving as an evaluator is an opportunity to support undergraduate research while adding an item to the university service section of a curriculum vitae. While open to all academic disciplines, representatives from fields in business, fine and performing arts, and humanities are especially needed.
at the university and it’s a chance to add another item to the University Service section of a CV. Business, Fine and Performing Arts, and Humanities readers are especially needed.
Registration to read applications in February and March is available online.
The applications are research project proposals from undergraduate students in science, humanities, business and the arts at the university. Additional details include:
• All participants will be assigned applications in their field of expertise (or a closely related field) and will be provided with review training materials.
• New this year, UCARE proposals will be posted in NURAMP. Readers will sign in with their university single sign-on usernames and passwords to read and evaluate proposals.
• Every participant will be responsible for reviewing 30 proposals (or fewer) from Feb. 17-28 for summer applications and/or March 9-20 for 2020-21 academic year applications. Reviews are expected to include a time commitment of less than 5 hours per period.
For more information, email Justina Clark at jclark17@unl.edu.