November 30, 2022

Employee Learning Week events are Dec. 5-9

An Office of Enterprise CRM has been created to help support the expanded role of the university’s Constituent Relationship Management (CRM) technology across campus for student recruitment, retention, and communications.

The University of Nebraska Human Resources offices are planning learning activities during the Association for Talent Development Employee Learning Week, Dec. 5-9.

During the week, Human Resources will host various online learning events across the campuses.

Employee Learning Week is an opportunity to demonstrate the commitment to talent development. Registration for each event will be available in Bridge.

Schedule of events:

  • Dec. 5 – Noon, Burnout (virtual event): Employee burnout and fatigue is detrimental to both the employee and the business. Learn how to identify the signs of burnout and gain the right tools and knowledge to address it proactively. Register here.

  • Dec. 6 – 11 a.m., Self-Care Isn’t Selfish (virtual event): In today’s society, self-care is considered a luxury when in reality, it as an investment in our physical and mental health and well-being. In this course, we will explore how intentionally practicing self-care can enhance the quality of your life both personally and professionally. Together we will discover how to seamlessly weave the five dimension of self-care into your personal and professional life. Register here.

  • Dec. 7 – Noon, Purposeful Time Management (virtual event): With so many responsibilities, tasks and preferences competing for our attention, time management suggests an oxymoron. However, we can reduce the distress of distractions and harness time as one of our most valuable assets. Time is a universal, daily resource to guide our attention toward productivity and purpose. This presentation reviews several popular, focus-friendly strategies with self-reflection exercises to increase awareness around sustainable time management practices. Register here.

  • Dec. 8 – Noon, Boundaries and Listening – Conflict Resolution (virtual event): What is your conflict resolution style? How does it vary depending on your situation and relationships? Is your style conducive to healthy and happy relationships? Work life? Quality of life? Information can be a powerful tool towards growth. This presentation will offer some insights about your conflict resolution style and ways to evolve to your comfort level. Register here.

  • Dec. 9 – Noon, CyberSecurity (virtual event): Learn about what we can do to ensure security for university networks and what we should be doing at home to keep our own information and identities safe. Register here.

Association for Talent Development, the world’s largest association dedicated to those who develop talent in organizations, is sponsoring the entire week.