The Center for Digital Research in the Humanities announces the Nebraska Forum on Digital Humanities “Breaking Down Barriers: Social Justice, Cultural Memory, and the Digital Humanities.” The conference will be held April 6-7.
The forum will open with a keynote panel and reception April 6th at the Center for Great Plains Studies. April 6th events are open to the public.
On April 7, invited scholars will share their research and engage in discussion at the Kauffman Academic Residential Center. Registration is required for all events this day.
This year, the Nebraska Forum on Digital Humanities will feature digital scholarship that engages with communities in meaningful ways. The participants are each involved in projects and research that work to uncover traditionally silenced or under-represented communities, challenging systems of discrimination.
With this forum, the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities hopes to encourage the digital humanities community to create and employ critical technologies and methodologies in concert with and in relationship to more public forms of scholarship. These projects provide potential models of engagement using the digital medium to move scholarship and scholarly activity through communities.
Topics of discussion will include: What contributions can digital scholars offer community-based social justice initiatives? What new audiences for digital scholarship are there and how do they form? How do digital projects circulate scholarly work in communities? What are the implications of engaging in public-facing scholarship?
Speakers include T.L. Cowan, James Gerencser, Emily Hainze, Christy Hyman, Adam Rothman, Susan A. Rose and Brandi M. Waters.