March 19, 2021

CSI Nebraska | Photo of the week

Symone Arends, a senior forensic science major from Lincoln, shines an ultraviolet light onto the floor. The light makes body fluids and fibers glow when viewed through the orange filter she holds. Arends is working a mock crime scene in a basement room in Filley Hall as part of a Forensic Science 485 capstone project. The course is divided into two options for students: a crime scene investigation track that works the mock crime scene, and a biochemistry track that processes samples and evidenc
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication

Symone Arends, a senior forensic science major from Lincoln, shines an ultraviolet light onto the floor, searching for body fluids and fibers that glow when viewed through an orange filter.

Arends is working a mock crime scene in a basement room in Filley Hall as part of a Forensic Science 485 capstone project. The course is divided into two options for students: a crime scene investigation track that works the mock crime scene, and a biochemistry track that processes samples and evidence collected. The class concludes with a mock trial.

The forensic science program is offered through the University of Nebraska–Lincoln's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources.


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