November 5, 2020

Concerto Competitions are Nov. 9

The Glenn Korff School of Music will host Concerto Competitions at 6 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Kimball Recital Hall.

Each year students of the School of Music compete for the opportunity to perform a concerto, aria or other solo work with one of the school’s premiere large ensembles. Repertoire used for this event typically ranges from standard concert and operatic works to lesser-known “showcase” pieces written for legendary performers.

Students that have advanced to the finals in this competition have already won their studio and area rounds through a highly competitive process. The finals are held in a concert-style format, judged by various experts in the field, and multiple winners may be selected from both the undergraduate and graduate categories.

No in-person audience.

Undergraduate program found here.

Graduate program found here.

For questions, contact Brian Reetz at (402) 472-6865.