After the March 25 announcement of the first community spread case of COVID-19 in Lincoln, the university is following new guidance related to off-campus travel, individuals returning from areas within the United States, and on-campus gatherings.
All university travel for off-campus work can only be approved if it is mission critical and has a low risk of spreading infection (in either direction). All approved travelers must practice social distancing, remaining at least six feet from others.
Other limitations on university-related travel include:
Travel to locations where community spread of COVID-19 has been reported will not be approved.
All university travel beyond the state’s borders is not allowed.
Travel to locations where COVID-19 have occurred and have no documented cases of community spread can be approved for reasons of high priority. If others are at or near the location, they should be allowed to cover the work.
Travel to remote locations with no recorded COVID-19 cases should be carefully evaluated and every alternative should be explored. If approved, travelers should observe all Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, state and local health guidelines. All high traffic areas should be avoided.
All travel requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Social distancing will be observed in all vehicles, meaning individuals must travel in separate vehicles.
Faculty, staff and students are also strongly encouraged to restrict travel unrelated to university business.
Based on guidance from the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, the university is asking all students, faculty and staff who are returning from travel in areas in the United States that have widespread transmission of COVID-19 to self-quarantine for 14 days before coming to campus, even for essential reasons,
On campus, events must include no more than 10 individuals per restrictions announced March 25 by Lincoln Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird. The restriction remains in place until at least May 6. It applies to gyms, schools, theaters, large rooms and other gathering places.
Police may issue a citation if individuals do not comply with a request to disperse. Non-compliance is a city misdemeanor and punishable by six months in jail or a $500 fine.
Learn more about the university’s ongoing response to COVID-19.