August 27, 2021

Coming together | Photo of the Week

Chancellor Ronnie Green talks with students at the Inaugural Soph S’more Social outside of the Nebraska Union on Aug. 25. The event featured a special Dairy Store flavor available for free to was given out to sophomore, friends of sophomores and anyone who was once a sophomore to celebrate being back on campus.
Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication

Chancellor Ronnie Green talks with students at the Inaugural Soph S’more Social outside of the Nebraska Union on Aug. 25.

The event featured a special Dairy Store flavor available for free to sophomores, friends of sophomores and anyone who was once a sophomore to celebrate being back on campus. Click through the images below to see more photos from the Soph S'more Social and the Club Fair, both events held Aug. 25 on the plaza and green space north of the Nebraska Union.

All photos are by University Communication's Craig Chandler.


Photos this week

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