Marian Coleman will retire in January 2023 after 37 years of service.
Coleman has served Housing and Dining as a critical member of the Residence Life team since 1986. She has been a staple to the housing operation and witnessed the evolution and development of residence halls on campus.
Coleman worked as a Residence Life Services Supervisor, overseeing front desk operations and management for several 24/7 residence hall front desks. In her role, she worked directly with a large team of student staff to ensure residential students had access to important services within their residence hall.
Coleman has supervised, mentored and coached over 1,000 student employees during her tenure, some of whom eventually became her colleagues.
“Most of all, I have enjoyed supervising and working with all the students at the desk,” Coleman said.
Coleman’s tenure is one of the longest as a Residence Life employee and the longest of any Residence Life Services Supervisor.