November 8, 2017

Coffee Chat series opens with Generation Z discussion

Craig Chandler | University Communication

Craig Chandler | University Communication
Nebraska will launch a new series of discussions that focus on the changing demographics of current students. The Coffee Chat series opens Nov. 16 with a Generation Z discussion.

The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor is launching a new series that will explore changing student demographics.

The first of four presentations in the Coffee Chat series will be 7:30 to 9 a.m. Nov. 16 in the Willa Cather Dining Center, Red Cloud A. Each Coffee Chat will help provide understanding into how the university’s student body is changing, how the university can adapt to best serve students, and feature a keynote presenter with an interactive discussion to follow.

The first topic will be Generation Z, which includes all traditional undergraduate students enrolled at Nebraska. The presentation will include information on what makes Generation Z students unique, what they expect from a college education, and how they think about career paths.

The discussion will be led by Clint! Runge, managing director of ArchRival and a youth marketing expert. The presentation will be relevant to all university employees who regularly work with undergraduate students.

Coffee and light refreshments will be provided. No RSVPs are needed.

Three additional Coffee Chats will be offered, with one per semester for the next year and a half. Future presentations may explore how to best serve first-generation students, students of color, nonresident or international students.

Presentation topics and dates will be announced.