Mirroring outcomes of classroom instruction and hands-on research experiences, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln offers a code of conduct that helps prepare students for the real world.
Designed to create a safe and responsible environment for living and learning, the university’s Student Code of Conduct defines the process followed to resolve student violations, whether they occur on- or off-campus. Every Husker agrees to follow the code when they enroll at Nebraska and the process is administered by the Office of Student Affairs.
“Through the enrollment process, our students agree to uphold standards of behavior, protect the community from harm and exemplify ethical standards and civic virtues,” said Kelli King, an assistant vice chancellor for student affairs who leads the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards. “Our Student Code of Conduct — which has been approved by ASUN, the Faculty Senate and Board of Regents — reflects values of the highest order which students should expect of themselves and from peers.”
Incidents that may violate the code of conduct include: acts of academic dishonesty; misuse of alcohol or providing alcoholic beverages to underage students; drug use; having a fake ID; maintaining a disorderly house; driving under the influence; indecent exposure; public urination; hazing; sexual misconduct; or violation of any local, state or federal law.
Recent incidents that generated news headlines and have been investigated by the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards include fraternity members vandalizing Black Lives Matter and campaign signs near East Campus, as well as the temporary suspension of six Greek houses alleged to have violated campus COVID-19 protocols.
While each investigation outcome remains private — a requirement of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act — news stories reported that students involved in the sign incident have apologized to homeowners and that the suspensions have ended for the six Greek houses.
“We consider all alleged violations with the same level of importance and focus — headlines or no,” King said. “Our goal is to make sure the student judicial process is fair and that privacy is maintained throughout.”
The investigation process begins when the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards receives a report regarding an incident.
Reports outside the need for a formal investigation may be forwarded to a respective campus partners for consideration. For example, a climate/culture or bias-related report would be reviewed by the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, working and consulting with any other related office.
In the event of a formal investigation, each student involved will receive an email notice to meet with a conduct officer and discuss the incident. If a student is found responsible, they can receive a sanction — which range from a written warning to expulsion. They can also appeal the finding and the case is referred to the University Conduct Board for additional review.
This university-led review is conducted separately from any legal charges a student may face. At any time in the code of conduct review process, a student may have an attorney, adviser or parent present.
Student disciplinary records are maintained separately from academic records and are not noted on transcripts. In the event a student is dismissed due to a violation, the transcript will show that the individual has been dismissed from the institution.
A complete overview of the Student Code of Conduct process, including an FAQ. is available here. The entire Student Code of Conduct document is also available for review.