May 26, 2020

Chancellor outlines COVID-19 changes for after June 1

In case you missed it, on May 21, Chancellor Ronnie Green issued updates on the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the email to campus, Green announced that starting June 1, access to campus buildings will be open to all employees. Also, due to economic impacts related to the virus, no merit-based salary increases will be available for fiscal year 2020-21. Promotional increases will be available.

Under terms of the new guidelines, from June 1 to June 30:

  • Every employee able to effectively work remotely should continue to do so;

  • The university community must observe all local public health guidance, including limiting gatherings to groups of 10 or less, with social distancing of at least six feet being observed;

  • No more than one-third of workplace personnel should be present at any one time. This is to reduce the density of employees on campus. Unit leaders will oversee this process;

  • Following local public health guidance, employees must wear face coverings when interacting in-person with others; and

  • In-person meetings should be avoided whenever possible. Continue to use Zoom for meetings.

Some campus facilities are scheduled to open in June. They include:

Nebraska Unions

The University Bookstore will open June 8 with limited hours. The 24-hour computer lab in the Nebraska Union will open June 8 via NCard access. More details will be announced.

Campus Recreation

Tennis courts and the Mabel Lee Recreation Field will open June 1. The Campus Rec Center, Outdoor Adventures Center and Recreation and Wellness Center are on track to open June 15. All social distancing restrictions will be followed.

Child Care Center

The Children’s Center plans to reopen, following public health guidance, June 15. More details will be announced.

University Libraries

The libraries will remain closed through June. Online services remain available. Students, faculty and staff can access much of the libraries’ digitized print book collection via the HathiTrust Digital Library.

Details on other university facilities — including the University of Nebraska State Museum, Lied Center for Performing Arts, Sheldon Museum of Art and International Quilt Museum — are available on those websites.

All other previously announced measures — summer instruction via remote learning; restriction on all university-sponsored travel; and cancelations of summer study abroad programs — remain in place.

The complete message from the chancellor is available online. Additional updates, including plans for the fall semester, will be announced.