The Fit+Fueled weight-loss program, which is organized by the University of Nebraska–Lincoln Wellness Initiative and Campus Recreation, will continue in the spring 2018 semester.
The program is offered in response to the Wellstream Health Risk Assessment completed by faculty and staff. In the survey, weight loss and weight management consistently rank near the top issues identified by university employees.
The next eight-week Fit+Fueled program runs Jan. 22 to March 22. Cost is $80 for students, campus recreation members and the public.
Along with providing accountability and guidance on becoming healthier, the program includes:
An instructor-led fitness class each week;
Weekly personalized workout plans crafted by a medical exercise specialist;
A nutrition consultation to gain insight into each participant’s lifestyle, goals and challenges related to nutrition;
A weekly “Fueled” series to learn about the interwoven relationship between the body and food, the benefits of food as fuel and how to cook it;
One nutrition-focused lunch and learn, a hands-on cooking class, and weekly individual nutrition check-ins;
A community of other individuals with similar goals that take a team approach to weight loss; and
Unlimited access to a team of professionals, including a registered dietitian, an exercise specialist and a personal trainer.
Learn more about the Fit+Fueled program online or by contacting Amanda Robine at arobine3@unl.edu.