A retirement reception for Stan Campbell, director of Campus Recreation, is 4 to 5:30 p.m. Sept. 9 at the Lied Commons. Remarks are scheduled for 4:30 p.m.
Campbell is retiring Sept. 30 after 42 years of service to the university. He first joined the university in 1979 as the intramural sports and recreation facilities coordinator, then become director of Campus Recreation in 1982. Concurrently he held positions as the assistant vice chancellor for Student Affairs (2000-2007) and the associate vice chancellor for Student Affairs (2007-2018). Prior to service at Nebraska, Campbell served in intramural and physical education roles at Western Illinois University and Simpson College.
Under Campbell’s leadership Campus Recreation grew significantly and Nebraska became nationally known within NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation. Campbell served NIRSA as the organization’s president-elect, president and past president from 1992 to 1995 and as its Foundation’s president-elect, president and past president from 2013 to 2016.
Campbell says his passion for collegiate recreation comes from striving to meet the needs and interests of the university community with whom he enjoys interacting. One of the accomplishments for which he is most proud is the Campus Recreation Center’s renovations and expansion which was completed in 1992.
“The project took nearly seven years to gain approval and five years to complete all three phases of construction,” Campbell said. “It would not have been possible without the unwavering support of the Campus Recreation Advisory Council over the 7-year period, ASUN, Interfraternity Council, Panhellenic Association, Residence Hall Association, Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs Jim Griesen, Director of Institutional Research & Planning John Benson, Chancellor Martin Massengale, Campus Recreation staff members and the Athletic Department.”
Campbell has been recognized numerous honors including the NIRSA Foundation Leadership Award, the Carl A. Donaldson Award for Excellence in Management, the Student Affairs Student Advocate Award, honorary memberships in both the Innocents Society and Black Masque Chapter of Mortar Board, and induction into the National College Flag Football Hall of Fame.
“Whether through late night — sometimes really late night — sessions with the Committee for Fee Allocation or an innovative partnership to offer classes through the College of Education & Human Sciences, Stan has continually and vigorously worked to make the student experience broader and better at UNL,” said Laurie Bellows, vice chancellor for student affairs. “His impact on our students, our staff, and this campus as a whole will not be forgotten.”
In retirement Campbell plans to say “no” to all active involvements for at least three months. He looks forward to golfing often, traveling, gardening, attending sporting events and spending time with family and friends.
The reception is free and open to the campus community.