October 8, 2020

Big Red Resilience offers 'Recess' to campus community

Big Red Resilience and Well-Being is offering a weekly recess break to the campus community. Learn more at https://resilience.unl.edu/recess.

Big Red Resilience and Well-Being is offering a weekly recess break to the campus community.

Each Thursday in October, Big Red Resilience and Well-Being is taking a break and offering a “Recess” opportunity for the entire campus community.

The program will feature a new adult-age recess activity or game that will allow for a 30-minute break from studies, work and stress. “Recess” is designed to help Huskers improve attitudes, focus and success.

To join in on “Recess,” following Big Red Resilience and Well-Being on Instagram. The weekly activity will be released at 10 a.m. on Oct. 8, 15, 22 and 29.

Individuals who partake in the activity are asked to post a picture in Instagram and take @unlresilience. Tagged posts will be entered into a prize drawing. Prizes vary and include a $50 Lululemon gift card, a weighted blanket, cookbooks, $30 Paint Yourself Silly gift card, and a board game prize pack.

Huskers can also subscribe to receive Recess notices via email.

For more information, contact Big Red Resilience.