September 6, 2023

Arboretum to host garden walks in Lincoln and Omaha

A flower box from the 2022 Omaha Garden Walk.

A flower box from the 2022 Omaha Garden Walk.

The Nebraska Statewide Arboretum will host a Garden Walk, 5-7:30 p.m., in Lincoln on Sept. 12 and in Omaha on Sept. 19.

Six to eight gardens across each city will be open to tour, with owners on hand to answer questions and provide information about the plants and garden design.

All of the gardens included on the tours feature native plants and several are part of NSA’s Bloom Box or My Garden Affiliate programs. Bloom Box provides local gardeners with native plants hand-selected by NSA’s horticulturalists, along with a design plan and instructions for maintaining the garden. The My Garden program is designed for home gardeners seeking to use their private gardens to create a more sustainable, resilient environment.

“Gardeners love to talk plants with other gardeners, so this is a great opportunity for people to connect and for gardeners to show off the fruits of their labor,” said Sarah Buckley, NSA Sustainable Landscape specialist. “It’s also a great chance to get new inspiration, exchange ideas and glean some tips for more effective sustainable landscaping.”

Tickets for the Lincoln and Omaha Garden Walks are $5 per car for NSA members and $10 per car for non-members. Participants will be provided with a map of the gardens on the tours and a description of each.

Register for the 2023 Garden Walks here.