Nebraska alumna Morgan McCain will lead a discussion on how to support the diverse needs of students in and beyond the classroom at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 26 in the Nebraska Union, Georgian Suite.
The free workshop, “A Conversation on Identity and Cross-Cultural Understanding,” is designed for faculty and staff. Registration is not required. Sponsors include the Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor, Office of Academic Success and Intercultural Services and First-Generation Nebraska.
McCain works as a licensed psychologist and group coordinator for University of Houston’s counseling and psychological services. She has worked with college students for nearly a decade and has a passion for assisting individuals with marginalized identities.
At Nebraska, McCain participated in the McNair Scholars program, African Peoples’ Union, Melvin Jones Scholars Learning Community, Mortar Board National Honor Society, and served as president for the Omicron Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority. She also worked with the Nebraska College Preparatory Academy throughout the majority of her undergraduate and graduate tenure.
Refreshments will be provided.
For more information, send email to Danielle McRell at danielle.mcrell@unl.edu.