The fifth annual University of Nebraska–Lincoln All-Staff Conference is soliciting proposals for presentations. The conference will feature presentations that engage staff in conversation and interactive experiences around professional development, encouraging cross-campus dialogue/collaboration and providing support for the University staff at every level. The conference is July 22-23 in Howard L. Hawks Hall.
Proposals are being accepted for presentations that align with but are not limited to cultivating a supportive, inclusive and dynamic community where every individual can thrive. This is an opportunity to share expertise with the university as well as a professional development opportunity. Proposals are due March 14.
To encourage staff members to submit a conference proposal, the Organizational Development and Training in collaboration with the conference planning committee has organized two workshops to assist potential presenters with the processes of writing a proposal.
From 2 to 4 p.m. Feb. 27, "From Idea to Acceptance: How to Write a Conference Proposal" will be hosted at the Nebraska Union. Attendees will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to craft persuasive and effective conference proposals.
From 10 to 11:30 a.m. on April 23, "Engage the Room: Strategies for Effective Presentations" will be hosted also at the Nebraska Union. Attendees will gain insight on how to impact and leave a lasting impression on an audience.
In addition to presentation proposals, the committee is seeking proposals for the keynote address. The keynote will occur in-person with a hybrid option. Proposals are being accepted for a keynote session that aligns with but is not limited to the theme of cultivating a supportive, inclusive and dynamic community where every individual can thrive, which is derived from the five foundational pillars shared in President Gold’s message on strategic planning. Interested keynote speakers should submit their proposal online by March 14.
All proposals must be submitted online via the All-Staff Conference website by March 14. For questions about the submission process, review process or the conference in general, please contact staff.conference@unl.edu.
Learn more about the 2025 All-Staff Conference and see past conference information online.