Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Jeremy Davis, Carly Dinnes, David Eickholt, Lauren Gatti, Holly Hatton-Bowers, Kellan Heavican, Mark Hinchman, Jay Hygnstrom, Holly Kelly, Kelly Malcolm, Martha Mamo, Clyde Ogg, Ellen Paparozzi, Stacie Ray, Brett Renner, Matt Reynoldson and Elyssa Yoneda.
Lauren Gatti, associate professor of teaching, learning and teacher education, has been invited to serve as a visiting scholar at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, from Oct. 17-29. As a visiting scholar, Gatti and her colleague, Paula McAvoy of North Carolina State University, will conduct public lectures, professional development workshops and seminars on their current book project, “Just Teacher: Ethical Dilemmas in the Profession of Teaching.” Gatti will also present lectures and seminars based on her recent book, “Toward a Framework of Resources for Learning to Teach: Rethinking U.S. Teacher Preparation.”
Holly Hatton-Bowers, assistant professor of child, youth and family studies and an early childhood specialist with Nebraska Extension, was invited to present her early childhood research at the Federal Rural University of Pemambuco in Recife, Brazil, during the summer. She shared promising evidence of a program developed in 2017 with Nebraska Extension educators LaDonna Werth, Jaci Foged and Carrie Gottschalk. The eight-week program, “Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators,” supports and enhances the well-being of early childhood professionals who provide care to young children and their families. She also shared a children’s yoga program and a mindfulness-based preschool intervention.
Mark Hinchman, professor of interior design, is co-author of a new book, “Interior Design Masters.” Published by Routledge, the book contains 300 biographical entries of professionals who have significantly impacted design from the late Renaissance to the 21st century. It includes key figures, including Marcel Breueur, Eileen Gray and Florence Knoll, to lesser known but worthy designers such as British art deco furniture designer Betty Joel. The book, authored with Elyssa Yoneda, a Nebraska graduate and intermediate designer at IA Interior Architects in San Francisco, includes 600 color photographs. Work by Hinchman and Yoenda on an appendix to “The Dictionary of Interior Design,” which listed brief bios of designers and architects, led to developing “Interior Design Masters.”

Jan Hygnstrom, project manager with agronomy and horticulture and the Nebraska Pesticide Safety Education Program, received the Professional Recognition Award from the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators. As project manager, Hygnstrom is the lead technical writer and editor for educational materials related to restricted use pesticides. For the professional recognition honor, Hygnstrom was cited for her role in revising the soon-to-be-released private applicator self-study curriculum.
Martha Mamo has been named head of the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, effective Jan. 1, 2019. Mamo currently serves as interim associate department head and Weaver Professor of Agronomy and Horticulture.
Clyde Ogg, a Nebraska Extension educator in agronomy and horticulture, received a Fellow Award from the American Association of Pesticide Safety Educators. Ogg is a coordinator in the Nebraska Pesticide Safety Education Program and charter member of the association, which started in 1993. Pesticide safety has been the focus of Ogg’s career. He currently leads a seven-member team that develops educational materials to enable individuals to become certified and eventually state-licensed to use restricted use pesticides in more than 12 categories. The fellow award is the association’s highest recognition, honoring superior service and achievement in pesticide safety education, certification and public service.
Ellen Paparozzi, professor of agronomy and horticulture, and George Meyer, professor of biological systems engineering, are members of a research team that received the 2018 Award for Excellence in Multistate Research from the Northeast Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors. The Nebraska duo is part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service Technical Committee NE1335, which features horticulturists and biological systems engineers from 12 institutions. The research team conducts experiments using controlled-environment systems such as hydroponics, aquaponics and vertical farms.
Stacie Ray, associate professor of practice in special education and communication disorders, is a finalist for the 2018 Inspire Award for Excellence in Education. The award ceremony, hosted by the Lincoln Journal-Star, is noon, Sept. 12 at Pinnacle Bank Arena. The awards feature 122 women nominated in 10 different categories. Ray is a finalist in the Excellence in Education category.
- Carly Dinnes, doctoral student in special education and communication disorders, was awarded a Student Research Travel Award to attend the 2018 American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Nov. 15-17 in Boston. Dinnes received the award by being the first author on “Writing After Traumatic Brain Injury: Impact of Injury and Recommendations for Assessment and Treatment”, the highest-rated student-authored paper in its convention topic area.

John Lang, a sophomore business major, successfully led the building of a Guinness World Record-breaking mosaic out of tiny plastic bricks. The final design, which featured the Nebraska “N” and celebrated the start of the 2018 Husker football season, included 184,320 plastic bricks. The project was documented and results will be sent to Guinness representatives for confirmation. Learn more about Lang’s project.
Kelly Malcolm, a doctoral student in special education and communication disorders, was awarded a Student Research Travel Award to attend the 2018 American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Nov. 15-17 in Boston. Malcolm’s award was for her paper, “Prevalence of Vestibular Deficits Associated with Gentamicin Use in Nicaragua.” She also was selected to receive an Audiology/Hearing Science Research Travel Award from the association.
Students in the College of Journalism and Mass Communication earned five of 12 student gold awards at the Pinnacle Awards Banquet at the Nebraska Broadcasters Association in August. The awards include: Holly Kelly, Best College Radio News Story, “Bike Safety in Lincoln at Risk;” Brett Renner, Best College TV News Story, “Daniel Kleve’s Impact on UNL;” Kellan Heavican, Best College TV News Feature, “Growth Threatens Fire Safety in Parts of Lincoln;” Matt Reynoldson and David Eickholt, Best College Radio Live Sports Event, “Nebraska-Kansas Basketball;” and Jeremy Davis, Best College Radio Promotional Announcement, “Rebel Radio Promo.”
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.