Huskers earning recent accomplishments include Riley Beranek, Justin Chase Brown, Kiyomi Deards, Wayne Drummond, Rodger Farr, Colby Grint, Shawn McDonald, Anthony McIntosh, Alyssa Pracht, Chris Proctor, Jordan Redd, Hayley Shoemaker, Megan Sindelar, Samantha Teten, Jennifer Thoegersen, Evan van Breemen, Hannah Willard and Liping Xia.
- Justin Chase Brown, director of scholarships and financial aid, served as guest editor for the fall 2017 edition of the Journal of Student Financial Aid, a peer-reviewed outlet featuring works of significance in areas of postsecondary student financial assistance. The issue focused on catalyzing research partnerships with practitioners and researchers despite the potential challenges, risks, and competing interests.

- Kiyomi Deards and Jennifer Thoegersen, university libraries, received Up and Comer awards from Against the Grain Media during the Charleston Conference, Nov. 6-10 in Charlseston, South Carolina. The new award honors rising stars in the library and information profession. Deards is an associate professor of libraries and has made creating campus partnerships a priority. She helped launch the SciPop talks on campus in 2014. Thoegersen is an assistant professor of libraries and has been a key resource in the implementation of the Rosetta digital preservation system in the University Libraries. She also has helped create escape rooms at C.Y. Thompson Library and the public library in Nebraska City.

- Wayne Drummond, emeritus dean of architecture, received a Distinguished Service Award from the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture. The award honors Drummond’s nearly 50-year tenure in architecture, including his work in academia, helping hundreds of faculty and thousands of students advance their individual career paths in the field. The award was presented during the association’s 2017 Administrators Conference, which was Nov. 2-4 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Learn more about Drummond’s career.
Eight Huskers earned honors in the Glenn Korff School of Music’s 2017 Concerto Solo Competition. On the graduate level, Jordan Redd (horn) and Liping Xia (piano) were named winners. Hayley Shoemaker (mezzo-soprano) and Evan van Breemen (flute) were each named as honorable mention. On the undergraduate level, Anthony McIntosh (marimba) and Hannah Willard (violin) earned top honors. Riley Beranek (cello) and Alyssa Pracht (oboe) each received honorable mentions.
Agronomy Club members attended and earned honors at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of American and Soil Science Society of America, which was Oct. 20-24 in Tampa, Florida. Kolby Grint, a junior agronomy major, placed third in the undergraduate club poster competition with the topic, “Down to the Roots — Teaching Soil Health to First-Grade Students.” Samantha Teten, a junior agronomy major, placed third in the undergraduate research poster competition with the topic, “Analysis of Blended Learning Method for Teaching Introductory Soils Course.” The Husker Crops Judging Team placed third overall. In the individual crops judging competition, Teten placed eighth overall and Grint was 10th. Students that attended were Rodger Farr, a junior agronomy major; Grint; Shawn McDonald, a senior biology major; and Teten. Club advisers are Chris Proctor, assistant Nebraska Extension educator, and Meghan Sindelar, assistant professor of practice in agronomy and horticulture. Learn more about these honors.

- Music students had a strong showing at the West Central National Association of the Teachings of Singing Student auditions at the University of Northern Colorado. Nebraska students received 34 recognitions for classical vocal and musical theatre performances. Fourteen students advanced to the national round of auditions. Learn more about the results.
This column is a regular Friday feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit their achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515