Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Jonis Agee, Aakriti Agrawal, Allison Black, Brandon Bosch, Kelsy Burke, Jazmin Castillo, Joy Castro, Lory Janelle Dance,Rodger Farr, Jenna Finch, Kolby Grint, David Harwood, Rosemarie Holz, Raghay Kidambi, Eric Malina, Nurik Mkhmudzoda, Warren Pettee, Rachael Shah, Adam Striegel, Samantha Teten, Kimberly Tyler, Lizz Whitacre, Elizabeth Widder, Kelly Willemssens and Justin Zoucha.
Jonis Agee, Adele Hall Professor of English; Sherilyn Fritz, George Holmes Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and Biological Sciences; and Kimberly Tyler, Willa Cather Professor of Sociology, earned the College of Arts and Sciences’ Outstanding Research and Creative Activity Award during the college’s Celebration of Excellence.
Brandon Bosch, assistant professor of practice in political science and sociology; Kelsy Burke, assistant professor of sociology; Lory Janelle Dance, associate professor of sociology and ethnic studies; David Harwood, professor of Earth and atmospheric sciences; Eric Malina, associate professor of practice in chemistry; and Rachael Shah, assistant professor of English received the College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Teaching Award during the college’s Celebration of Excellence.
Joy Castro, Willa Cather Professor of English and ethnic studies, has been selected for the National Endowment for the Humanities’ Summer Scholar program, which provides an avenue for faculty to collaborate with experts in humanities disciplines. She will participate in the four-week Institute, “José Martí and the Immigrant Communities of Florida in Cuban Independence and the Dawn of the American Century,” at the University of Tampa.
Jenna Finch, assistant professor of psychology, has received the 2019 Paul R. Pintrich Outstanding Dissertation Award from the American Psychological Association. Finch was honored for her dissertation “Executive Functions in Elementary School: Contextual Influences and Links to Adaptive Functioning.” She will be recognized at the association’s Division 15 Business Meeting in August and will deliver a keynote address at the annual convention in 2020.
Rosemarie Holz, associate director and associate professor of practice in Women’s and Gender Studies, earned the Hazel R. McClymont Distinguished Teaching Fellow Award from the College of Arts and Sciences. Holz received the award during the college’s Celebration of Excellence.
Rodger Farr, Kolby Grint, Samantha Teten and Justin Zoucha represented Nebraska’s Crops Judging team during the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Student Judging Conference and earned third place in the four-year university division. The conference was hosted April 13 at Kentucky’s Murray State University. Students were supported by Crops Judging coaches Adam Striegel and Elizabeth Widder.
The success of five Nebraska students was celebrated during an April 25 meeting of the Governor’s Council for International Relations. Held on campus, the meeting featured presentations from Huskers Nurik Mkhmudzoda, Raghay Kidambi, Aakriti Agrawal, Lizz Whitacre and Allison Black. Read more about the event.
- The School of Natural Resources recognized outstanding staff and students in April during its annual spring potluck. Warren Pettee, applications programmer for the High Plains Regional Climate Center, received the spring 2019 School of Natural Resources Staff Recognition Award. Jazmin Castillo, natural resource sciences master’s student, and Kelly Willemssens, natural resource sciences doctoral student, received meritorious graduate student awards.
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.