Recent accomplishments by the campus community were earned by Jeff Chambers, Matthew Gormley, David Lambe, Wei Li, Bingnan Lu and Denise Packard. Other honors went to the Raising Nebraska exhibit and the High Plains Regional Climate Center.
Jeff Chambers, project director leading the Community Services Division at Center on Children, Families and the Law, was recognized by the Lincoln Homeless Coalition at its Annual Recognition Event held Nov. 17 at City Impact. Chambers and the center worked together to lead the Continuum of Care’s implementation. He is a leader in homeless management information across Nebraska. He created an information management system that is recognized across the nation as the standard. He created a Point in Time count that helps track reliable and useful data. He has assisted in implementations to new housing programs. Chambers remains humble and often goes unnoticed for all his hard work.
Matthew Gormley, assistant professor of educational psychology, has been named a 2017 Young Scientist Research Award recipient by CHADD, the National Resource Center on ADHD. The award recognizes the impactful ADHD research that Gormley conducts among children and adolescents. Gormley’s research was evaluated on significance, rigor of methodology-design, clarity of the problem, relevance/adequacy of literature review, and contribution of new knowledge. The award was presented this week at the 2017 Annual International Conference on ADHD in Atlanta. His research submission was titled “Consistency in Transition: Supporting Students with ADHD Through Their Academic Carriers.” Learn more about the award.
David Lambe, associate professor of practice in agronomy and horticulture, has been selected for the inaugural University of Nebraska–Lincoln Entrepreneurship Fellowship program. The fellowship program was created in response to the entrepreneurship-related activities happening across the university. The program allows students to easily access available classes, co-curricular and extra-curricular events relevant to entrepreneurship. Lambe instructs Entrepreneurship 488/888 Business Management for Agricultural Enterprises. The ACE 10 class is a business-plan writing course focused on student business ideas. He has the class compete in either a business-plan competition or business-pitch competition, hosted by the College of Business Center for Entrepreneurship or the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program. Lambe also teaches Entrepreneurship 275 Entrepreneurial Finance and Entrepreneurship 388 Agribusiness Entrepreneurship. Learn more about how Lambe was selected for this program.
Denise Packard, coordinated entry manager at Center on Children, Families and the Law and also the Lincoln Homeless Coalition chair was given special recognition at its Annual Recognition Event held Nov. 17 at City Impact. The Lincoln Homeless Coalition recognizes Denise as a leader in addressing the homelessness. Packard has worked with partners across Nebraska with an effective Coordinated Entry system so people who are experience homelessness can find the services needed. She has been chair of the coalition for two yeas and since then, membership and committees have increased.
- Wei Li and Bingnan Mu, textiles, merchandising and fashion design doctoral students, recently competed in a national competition and were awarded the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists Foundation Student Research Grants. Wei Li received $1,000 to research “Development of 100 percent Regenerated Keratin Fibers of High Quality from Waste Wool and Poultry Feathers.” Bingnan Mu received $1,300 to research “Dual-Phase Solvent System for Sustainable Reactive Dyeing of Cotton Using Soybean Oil.”
- The High Plains Regional Climate Center turned 30 this year, while it continued to collect and make available a host of climate data, organized and taught numerous climate training workshops and answered hundreds of consumer calls. The High Plains Regional Climate Center was one of three pilot centers created in response to the National Climate Program Act, passed by Congress in 1978. In addition to its climate services, which make available climate data and information to the public, the center also develops and delivers products that turn raw climate data into usable information on local, regional and national scales. Learn more about the High Plains Regional Climate Center.

- Raising Nebraska, the award-winning agriculture literacy experience on the Nebraska State Fairgrounds, has again received international recognition for its innovation in connecting consumers with their food and the families who grow it. The “Living Soils” exhibit at Raising Nebraska tied for first place in its division in the category of “Newly Established or Evolving Program/Exhibit That Promotes Agriculture to the Public” in the 2017 Agricultural Awards Program sponsored by the International Association of Fairs and Expositions. Raising Nebraska shared first place with the Maryland State Fair. Information from “Living Soils” has been transformed into curriculum that is being delivered in schools across the state. The exhibit features a series of large preserved samples of actual soil types from across the state. Learn more about this exhibit.
This column is a regular Friday feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit their achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.