Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Luke Anderson, Brannon Evans, Sheri Fritz, Eileen Hebets, Justin Kirk, Luke Lacy, Jessie Sadlon, Zein Saleh, Greg Simon, Tom Simonson, Nicholas Wallenburg, Luke Zoller and the Livestock Judging Team.
Luke Anderson, a senior in the Glenn Korff School of Music, earned the Outstanding Student Leadership Award for Region V of NODA, the association for orientation, transition and retention in higher education. The award gives special recognition to students for creativity, energy, enthusiasm and outstanding abilities. Anderson is in his third year as a student leader in New Student Enrollment at Nebraska.
Brannon Evans, a senior theatre performance major in the Johnny Carson School of Theatre and Film, will represent Region V of the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in the national ASPIRE Arts Leadership Cohort. Evans will attend a week-long fellowship during the annual national convening of the American College Theater Festival at the Kennedy Center in Washington, D.C., in April. The ASPIRE Leadership Fellows Program is designed to cultivate a new generation of artistic and administrative leaders for the American theater with a focus on engaging Black, indigenous, people of color and members of other groups that are consistently underrepresented in the field.
Eileen Hebets, Charles Bessey Professor in the School of Biological Sciences, received the Outstanding Woman in STEM award at the inaugural Nebraska Women in STEM Conference on March 23. Learn more about the award.

The Lincoln Douglas Coaches Association for collegiate debate awarded All-American honors to Zein Saleh, first-year debater and political science major from Lincoln, and to Nicholas Wallenburg, fourth-year debater and graduate student in accounting from Lenexa, Kansas. Justin Kirk, head coach of the debate team, and assistant professor of practice in communication studies, was awarded the association’s Coach of the Year Award.
The second-year law student team placed second overall at the Rocky Mountain Regional of the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s National Patent Application Drafting Competition on March 4. The team was comprised of Luke Lacy, Jessie Sadlon, Tom Simonson and Luke Zoller. The competition challenges law students to develop patent prosecution skills by applying legal principles to a hypothetical invention scenario. Read more here.
Greg Simon, associate professor of composition and jazz studies in the Glenn Korff School of Music, was selected as one of nine Individual Artist Fellowships from the Nebraska Arts Council. The fellowship includes a $2,500 IAF grant. Simon plays in the UNL Faculty Jazz Ensemble and directs the Flyover New Music Series and the UNL Jazz Orchestra. During the summer, he serves on the composition artist-faculty at the Brevard Music Center. He also currently serves as co-chair of Region VI for the Society of Composers, Inc. Read more about the fellowship here.
The Livestock Judging Team earned the reserve champion award from Houston Livestock Show March 18. The Huskers earned third in sheep/goats; third in swine, fourth in cattle, and sixth in reasons. Learn more about the competition and success of of the team.
- Sheri Fritz, George Holmes professor in the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences and School of Biological Sciences, earned a Visiting Professorship from the Brazilian Ministry of Education. The ministry’s Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel in Brazil PrInt program supports institutional internationalization. Fritz spent the first two weeks of March 2023 at the Institute of Geosciences, University of São Paulo, where she taught a short course on paleoecology and paleoclimatology and advised graduate and undergraduate students on their research.