Learn more about recent honors and appointments at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in this week’s achievements column.
Anthony Amori and Osler Ortez, University of Nebraska–Lincoln doctoral students, were recently honored by the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Amori, specializing in soil and water science, received the M. Rosalind Morris Fellowship. This fellowship recognizes academic excellence and research potential in the agronomic sciences. Ortez, specializing in crop production, was selected for the Gerald O. Mott Meritorious Graduate Student Award in Crop Science.
Interior design students Ashlynn Engelhard and Annie Mimick were honored with Best Poster Presentation at the Interior Design Educators Council conference for their poster “New Evidence Educates Future Informal Learning Environments.” The project examined learning spaces in several campus locations, including the College of Business, College of Nursing, Nebraska Union, Love Library South and Adele Learning Commons.
Amit Jhala, associate professor of agronomy and horticulture and Nebraska Extension weed management specialist, was honored with the Early Career Outstanding Extension Leadership Award from Nebraska’s Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi. The award recognizes a Nebraska Extension staff member with less than 10 years of service. Jhala has been at Nebraska since 2012, with research focusing on the pollen-mediated gene flow and management of herbicide-resistant weeds.
David DiLillo, professor of psychology, and Sarah Gervais, Rosowski Profressor of psychology, are co-investigators of the project “Promoting prosocial bystander behavior in intoxicated men: Evaluation of RealConsent 2.0,” which received funding from Georgia State University.
Isabel Velázquez, Harold E. Spencer Professor of Spanish in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, has earned a Fulbright award to teach and conduct research at the Universidade de Campinas, one of Brazil’s premier research universities. She will research the sociolinguistic experience and perceptions of and about speakers of Venezuelan Spanish, recently settled in the non-metropolitan region of the state of São Paulo. The work is planned for the fall 2020 semester.
Katrina Jagodinsky, Rosowski Associate Professor and graduate chair in the Department of History, received a three-year grant from the National Science Foundation for her project “Petitioning For Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.” The project aims to develop a database withof habeas corpus petitions that will demonstrate the relationships of power in claims to freedom and their significance and value within American jurisprudence.
Qingsheng Li’s project, “Impact of Fc N-glycan Structure on HIV-Specific Antibody Functions” received funding from the National Institutes of Health.
Toni Anaya, interim coordinator of user experience and associate professor in University Libraries, has been elected to the Association of College and Research Libraries Board of Directors as Director-at-Large. She begins her four-year term on July 1.
The 115th class of the Innocents Society has chosen Lori Romano as an honorary member based on her selfless dedication and service as director of the university’s Center for Academic Success and Transition.
Brandi Pessman and Crystal Uminski, both graduate students in the School of Biological Sciences, and Collin Victor, graduate student in mathematics, received a Graduate Research Fellowship award from the National Science Foundation.
This column is a regular feature of Nebraska Today. Faculty, staff and students can submit achievements to be considered for this column via email to achievements@unl.edu. For more information, call 402-472-8515.