Recent achievements for the campus community were earned by Scout Allen, Will Anderson, Clare Arter, Matt Boyd, Ethan Dittmer, Katarzyna Glowacka, Trinity Hansen, Lori Harvey, Ethan Heinemann, Gretchen Holland, Ava Hollingsworth, William Manhart, Kathryn Maresh, Colby Marsden, Reese Munson, Shuai Nie, Kristen Olson, John Shrader, Francisco Souto, Amir Tarkian, John Tines, Ethan Twesme, Dan Uden, Alex Uram, Joey Willette, William Wooden and Air Force ROTC.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Air Force ROTC Detachment 465 secured the prestigious Small Detachment of the Year title after competing with other top finalists across the nation. The major graded areas used to shape this year’s award consisted of five categories: production, education, recruiting and retention, university and public relations, and cadet activities. Detachment 465 currently hovers around 50 students enrolled in its program.
Clare Arter, a senior journalism major from Sterling, Nebraska, earned second place at the Broadcast Education Association’s Festival of Media Art in the student PSA category, promo or commercial category for her entry, “Winter,” for People’s City Mission. The BEA Festival of Media Arts is the preeminent international media competition focused on student and faculty creative endeavors.
Ethan Dittmer, a doctoral candidate in the School of Natural Resources, received the award for best master’s student presentation at the recent North American Duck Symposium, held in Portland, Oregon. Ethan’s presentation, “Not all sanctuaries are created equal: Variation in protected area selection by wintering mallards,” was one of almost 90 graduate students attending the conference. Ethan’s dissertation work is examining migration and wintering ecology of mallards in southeast Kansas.
Katarzyna Glowacka, assistant professor in biochemistry, and Dan Uden, assistant professor in the School of Natural Resources, were awarded Junior Faculty for Excellence in Research awards from the Agricultural Research Division at the All Hands meeting Feb. 13. The goal of this program is to recognize outstanding trajectories of early career faculty and aid in building strong portfolios for promotion and tenure.
Women in 6G recently named Shuai Nie, assistant professor in the School of Computing, to its 100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G list for 2024. Inclusion on the “100 Brilliant and Inspiring Women in 6G” list is based on the nominations received, information from university and company websites, interviews, Google Scholar, ResearchGate, IEEE Xplore and other public sources. The selected women have also demonstrated passion and resolve to contribute to and make a difference in the ever-evolving 6G technology space.
Kristen Olson, professor of sociology and director of the Bureau of Sociological Research, was named the 2023 Fellow of Midwest Association for Public Opinion Research at the recent annual conference. MAPOR fellows are members who made significant contributions through scholarship, service to the organization or other means. They are selected by the MAPOR president in consultation with the executive council.
John Shrader, associate professor of broadcasting, earned an award of excellence from the Broadcast Education Association’s Festival of Media Arts in the faculty sports radio category for his entry “A New Generation of American Soccer Broadcasting.” The BEA Festival of Media Arts is the preeminent international media competition focused on student and faculty creative endeavors.
Francisco Souto, Cather Professor of Art and director of the School of Art, Art History and Design, has been invited to participate in an exhibition at the 2024 Venice Biennial. The Venice Biennial is an international cultural exhibition hosted in Venice, Italy, by the Biennale Foundation and includes art and architecture exhibitions, as well as music, dance and film festivals. The European Cultural Centre’s biennial of contemporary art exhibition “Personal Structures” will be on view April 20-Nov. 24 in Venice, Italy. A wide selection of artworks from internationally renowned and emerging artists, photographers and sculptors will be featured.
Joey Willette, doctoral student in musical arts in composition in the Glenn Korff School of Music, earned a Come As You Are: Vulnerability in the Concert Space Composition Fellowship. Six composers and librettists/writers were chosen nationally for the program. The composers will each be paired with a librettist/writer to create an opera scene to be premiered with the Lyric Opera of Kansas City June 15. The fellowship is presented by No Divide Kansas City, a nonprofit dedicated to fostering artistic events that are focused on underrepresented and misrepresented communities.
Husker Venture Fund students traveled to Boston to compete in the national Venture Capital Investment Competition in January, where they won the Entrepreneur’s Choice award. The team included Reese Munson, senior economics major from Omaha; William Manhart, senior finance major; Colby Marsden, senior finance major from Stilwell, Kansas; Gretchen Holland, sophomore accounting and finance major from Bloomington, Minnesota; Will Anderson, senior business minor from Crystal Lake, Illinois; and Amir Tarkian, sophomore business minor from Lincoln.
The Nebraska School of Accountancy tax team won the national Deloitte FanTAXTic Business Case Competition in January. The team included Trinity Hansen, junior accounting major from Stapleton, Nebraska; Ethan Heinemann, junior accounting major from Bennington; Ava Hollingsworth, sophomore accounting, finance and computer science major from Omaha; William Wooden, sophomore accounting major from Kansas City, Missouri; and Ethan Twesme, sophomore accounting and finance major from Monument, Colorado. Their adviser is Kathryn Maresh, assistant professor of practice in accountancy. The students each receive $2,000, and the School of Accountancy receives $10,000 from Deloitte for the accomplishment.
A University of Nebraska–Lincoln turfgrass competition team took sixth place out of 63 teams from 28 universities at the 30th Annual Collegiate Turf Bowl competition on Jan. 31. The competition, presented in partnership with John Deere, was held at the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America Conference and Trade Show in Phoenix. The team includes Alex Uram, Scout Allen, John Tines and Matt Boyd, all plant and landscape systems majors in turfgrass science and management.
- Lori Harvey, director of finance and administration for University Libraries, was one of 73 professionals from 61 institutions of higher education selected to attend the 2023–24 Emerging Leaders Program, sponsored by the National Association of College and University Business Officers. The program provides higher education’s business and finance community with the framework, tools and resources to enhance their leadership skills, expand their cross-campus relationships, and build their professional network.