The University of Nebraska–Lincoln has awarded stipends to 202 Husker undergraduates to participate in research with a faculty mentor this fall.
Nebraska’s Undergraduate Creative Activities and Research Experience (UCARE) Program supports undergraduates to work with faculty mentors in research or creative activities. Students receive stipends of $2,400 to engage in intensive research or creative activity for 20 hours per week. The students’ projects span academic disciplines including engineering, chemistry, modern languages and literatures, psychology, art and art history, architecture, special education, and fisheries and wildlife.
Students with academic-year UCARE awards will present posters on their research and creative activities at Student Research Days, to be held during the spring semester. For more information on undergraduate research at Nebraska, click here.
Following is a list of students by hometown who received fall UCARE awards, with their year in school, academic major(s) and project title.
- Josie Ganser, sophomore, animal science, “The Effects of FSH on Follicle Growth and Fibrosis on Bovine Ovarian Cortex Cultures.”
- Carolyn Billings, senior, forensic science, “Evaluation of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Mass Spectroscopy in the Analysis of N-nitrosoatrazine.”
- William Brandl, junior, mechanical engineering, “Ultrasonic Mapping of Material Gradients for Metal Additive Manufacturing.”
- Carley Conover, senior, biological systems engineering, “Synchronization of Multiple Cell and Disease Types for Quantification of Extracellular Nitric Oxide.”
- Darian Draft, junior, psychology, “The Relationship between Sexual Abuse History, Anxiety and Depression, and Social Problems in Youth who have Experienced Sexual Abuse.”
- Chelsea Hanway, junior, anthropology, “Wakara’s America: Mapping the Untold Story of the Indian Founding Father of the American West.”
- Nathan Roberts, senior, computer engineering, “Understanding the Algorithmic and Dataset Biases in Deep Learning.”
- Amber Tannehill, senior, mechanical engineering, “Designing a Hybrid Locomotion Robot for Lunar Exploration.”
- Katherine Brashear, senior, architectural studies, “Actual FACT Books.”
- Mackenna Petersen, senior, biochemistry, “Drug Discovery Targeting RNA Polymerase against Flavivirus Infection.”
- Joiner Pfister, junior, chemical engineering, “Robust Bioplastic Production in Paraburkholderia sacchari Enabled by Synthetic Biology Tool Characterization.”
- Joselyn Andreasen, junior, art, “Studio Assistant at Constellation Studios.”
- Ryan Brunkhorst, senior, biochemistry, “Drug Discovery Targeting RNA Polymerase against Flavivirus Infection.”
- Samuel Lawton, junior, emerging media arts, “Expanded Realities: Spatial Storytelling and Locative Media.”
- Elizabeth Pernicek, junior, architectural studies, “Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Rural Nebraska: Addressing Health Disparity through Community Engagement.”
- Emma Hoffschneider, senior, agricultural and environmental sciences communication, “Economic Impact of Entrepreneurship in Rural Communities.”
- Sarah Cope, senior, landscape architecture, “Resilient Planting Design for Affordable Housing Developments.”
Cedar Bluffs:
- Hailey Anderson, junior, physics, “Probing 2D Ferroelectricity in van der Waal’s CuInP_2S_6 Using Piezoresponse Force Microscopy.”
Central City:
- Cayden Homolka, sophomore, pre-health, “Identification of New Chloroviruses with Unique Glycans Attached to Their Major Capsid Proteins.”
- Maegan Ludena-Llanos, sophomore, architectural studies, “Design Elements and Stronger Brand Identity for the Weather Ready Farms Program.”
- Ebben Blake, senior, emerging media arts, “Sense Experience.”
- Kelbie Schnieder, senior, nutrition and health sciences, “Instructional Improvement of CHEM 109A.”
- Madelyn Stock, junior, psychology, “Associations between Parenting Styles and Children’s Academic and Social-Emotional Outcomes across Middle Childhood.”
- Steven Faltas, sophomore, biological sciences, “Effects of Corncob Bedding on Testis Morphology and Protein Expression.”
- Arabella Hodges, senior, biochemistry, “Evaluation of the Relationships between Host-Genetics and Viral Pathogens in Natural Infections.”
- Avery Marquis, sophomore, pre-health, “Alzheimer’s Disease Antidote in a Viral Peptide.”
- Makena Ninete, senior, interior design, “Till r.+u.: Housing Structure Prototypes.”
- Justin Frandsen, senior, psychology, “That’s Sick: Implicit Learning and the Processing of Ambiguous Stimuli.”
- William Anderson, sophomore, plant and landscape systems, “Diversifying Nebraska Agriculture and Education through Breeding Sweet Corn and Popcorn with Novel Nutritional, Taste and Aesthetic Characteristics.”
Grand Island:
- Samuel Harvey, senior, mechanical engineering, “Comparing Mechanical Strain in Endothelial Cells under Ultrasound Treatment and Normal Laminar Flow through Computational Modeling.”
- Qiqe Martinez, junior, art, “Collage Body Portraits, Graphite on Paper.”
- Christopher Nguyen, junior, architectural studies, “PLAIN Design-Build Eastern Redcedar Microdwelling.”
- Kennedy Whiting, junior, microbiology, “Impacts of the Urban Environment and Season on Diapause Physiology in the Monarch Butterfly.”
- Shelby Baker, junior, art, “Future Stakeholders: Developing Creative Capital in Rural Nebraska.”
- Camden Jones, senior, biochemistry, “Characterization of Potential Monomeric Transcription Factors in Mycobacterium Tuberculosis.”
- Trystan Nord, senior, emerging media arts, “Sense Experience.”
- Camden Olds, senior, physics, “Cobalt-Nickel Oxide Magnetic Properties of Novel Formula Ratios.”
- Calan Brant, sophomore, mechanical engineering, “3D Printing of Liquid Metal-Embedded Elastomer with Programmable Droplet Morphology.”
- Malachi Hood, senior, mechanical engineering, “Investigation of Gas-Surface Interactions at the Micro/Nanoscales.”
- Nathan Nordby-Bryson, senior, psychology, “Exploring User-Centered Design to Support Brain-Computer Interface Access to Augmentative and Alternative Communication Devices for those with Severe Speech and Physical Impairment.”
- Jillian Smith, junior, biological systems engineering, “Synergistic Effects of Matrix Stiffness and Shear Stress on Modulating Endothelial Cell Phenotype.”
- Sydney Hobza, junior, communication sciences and disorders, “Exploring the Roles of Syntax and Working Memory in Reading Comprehension in Down Syndrome.”
- Chanasei Ziemann, junior, biological sciences, “Knockout of PS-IRF9 Gene.”
- Basil Hamood Azzan Al Battashi, junior, interior design, “Lessons to Learn: Post-Pandemic Design and the Future of Retail Interiors.”
- Yousuf Nasser Hamed Al Farqani, senior, biological sciences, “Molecular Analyses of Disease-Related Factor Mdm38.”
- Said Al Mahrouqi, junior, interior design, “Editing, Curating and Contributing to a Database of Architectural Photography.”
- Fiyad Badar Saif Al Sarmi, junior, biological sciences, “Microbiota Composition of Zooplankton and the Control of Harmful Algal Blooms.”
- Bakir Al-Ameri, junior, mechanical engineering, “Modern No-Emission Cooling Systems for Nebraska.”
- Sukaina Al-Hamedi, senior, biochemistry, “Assessing Microbiome-Dependent Differences in Pro-Inflammatory Immune Cell Activity in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease.”
- Manal Amon, sophomore, psychology, “Sex-Ratio Distorters in Drosophila simulans.”
- Liam Baker, junior, environmental studies, “Surveying the Structures of U.S. Water Governance.”
- Landyn Bish, junior, architectural studies, “Mental Health and Substance Abuse in Rural Nebraska: Addressing Health Disparity through Community Engagement.”
- Abbey Bowers, senior, physics, “Annealing Epitaxial Thin Films and Testing Relative Adhesion Strength.”
- Isis Burks, senior, psychology, “Is Persistence Associated with Self-Regulation and Academic Skills in the Classroom?”
- Micah Busboom, senior, mechanical engineering, “Reduced-Order Modeling of Bolted Joint Loosening: Torque-Stiffness and Torque Loss Modeling.”
- John Cerny, senior, mechanical engineering, “Dust Mitigation Strategies and Rover Construction Modalities.”
- Clayton Christensen, junior, microbiology, “Investigating Temporal Delay between Nicotine Self-Administration and Sucrose Reward between Biological Sex.”
- Gabriel Clark, senior, software engineering, “Investigation of Possible Impacts of Drone-Facilitated Hyperspectral Imaging.”
- Carson Emeigh, senior, mechanical engineering, “Development of a Modular Bone-on-a-Chip Platform Using 3D Printing: Microfluidic Motherboard and Modules.”
- Olivia Farmen, sophomore, biological systems engineering, “Linear Models with Functional Transcranial Doppler.”
- Aidan Hand, sophomore, biochemistry, “Drug Discovery Targeting RNA Polymerase Against Flavivirus Infection.”
- Grace Heath, senior, women’s and gender studies, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
- Sam Ho, senior, biological sciences, “Evaluate the Utility of an In Vitro Expression System for Making Recombinant Proteins.”
- Amy Hruby, senior, communication sciences and disorders, “The Effects of Parental Responsivity on Semantic Development in Preschoolers.”
- Serena Jentz, senior, chemistry, “Engineering the Light-Switchable Fluorescent Protein, Dronpa, through Unnatural Amino Acid Incorporation for Hydrogen Peroxide Sensing.”
- Anisha Kadubandi, junior, biological sciences, “Differences in Mechanotransduction, Glycolic, YAP and Oxidative Phosphorylation Gene Expression in Healthy versus Pre-eclamptic Placental Trophoblasts.”
- Graydon Kruse, junior, classics and religious studies, “Homerathon 2023.”
- Angela Le, junior, interior design, “Analyzing and Drawing Spatial Conditions and Interior Design Strategies in Makerspaces.”
- Morgan Madsen, sophomore, geology, “Geophysical Mapping of Large-scale Submarine Landslides at the Southern Cascadia Margin.”
- Britney Meints, junior, secondary education, “Exploring Relations between Trauma, Schooling and the Classroom: A Pathway to Trauma Reducing Curricula.”
- Elias Melendez, senior, architectural studies, “Man Camps: Reconsidering Opportunities for Temporary Worker Housing.”
- Andrew Minchow, senior, biochemistry, “Chemical Synthesis and Modification of Poly(Ethylene Glycol) Diacrylate for Bioprinted Hydrogels in Pluripotent Stem Cell Derived Organoid Generation.”
- Kasey Moomau, senior, mechanical engineering, “Resetting Mechanical Sintering of Liquid-Metal-Embedded Elastomer Using Electromigration.”
- Carlene Nguyen, sophomore, biological sciences, “Effects of Early Weaning on Testicular Histology and Steroidogenic Protein Abundance.”
- Kiet Nguyen, sophomore, landscape architecture, “Prairie States Forestry Archive.”
- Sarah Omar, junior, psychology, “Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Interventions on Engagement, Belonging and Bias.”
- Lars Pedersen, junior, physics, “Photodetachment of Positronium Negative Ion by Time-Delayed Circularly Polarized Pulses.”
- Raphael Pepino, senior, social science, “Impact of Diversity and Inclusion Interventions on Engagement, Belonging and Bias.”
- Taylor Powell, sophomore, art, “Pictorial Representations of Memory, Watercolor on Paper.”
- Laura Reiling, senior, animal science, “Evaluate the Effects of High-Pressure Processing and Lactic Acid Treatments on Quality Characteristics of Ground Pork throughout the Retail Display.”
- Anshul Saraf, junior, biochemistry, “Protective Role of Mammalian Sestrin2 against Arsenic-Induced Cytotoxicity.”
- Jo Sayer, sophomore, art, “Animating History Lab.”
- Alyssa Simpson, junior, physics, “Application of Ferroelectricity to Photovoltaics.”
- Tatiana Startseva, senior, physics, “Investigation of Ice Properties for Radio Neutrino Observatory Greenland.”
- Rohan Tatineni, junior, biochemistry, “Identification of the Key Residues Critical for Substrate Binding in LaPhzM.”
- Connor Weyers, junior, software engineering, “Machine Learning-Based Platform to Predict and Evaluate Unknown Protein Families from Microbial Community.”
- Kelsey Wright, senior, biochemistry, “Threat Sensitivity of Political Conservatives and Liberals.”
- Taylor Yakel, junior, architectural studies, “Operational Landscapes of the Great Plains.”
- Lillian Young, junior, English, “Digitizing Willa Cather.”
- Mimi Yu, junior, sociology, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
- Caleb Koranda, senior, computer science, “Mixed-Initiative Solvers For Managing UNL’s Math Day Event.”
Nebraska City:
- Renee Box, senior, biological sciences, “Seasonal Dynamics of Flight-Capable and Flightless Crickets and their Parasites in Western Nebraska: Coupling Coursework and Field Research at Cedar Point Biological Station to Advance Collaborative Research at UNL.”
- Nathaniel Liess, junior, electrical engineering, “Assessing UML Layout.”
- Evelyn Mejia, junior, broadcasting, “Media Presentation, Representation and Consumption in the Latino Community.”
- Zoey Armstead, junior, biochemistry, “Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assays for Dissection of Protein-DNA Interactions in Plants and Microorganisms.”
- Cole Blasing, senior, biochemistry, “Investigating if ATRP Isomerization Causes Bias in Signaling Pathway.”
- Katie Burton, junior, communication sciences and disorders, “A Look at the Biodiversity under a Footprint.”
- Ma’Kiya Carter, senior, child, youth and family studies, “Music and the Mind: A Look at the Influence of Popular Music and its Effect on Adolescents’ Mental Health.”
- Mikaela Christensen, junior, forensic science, “Recombinant Protein Production in a Baculovirus Vector.”
- Adriann Cotton, junior, psychology, “Stigma, Social Experience and Psychological Wellbeing in Emerging Adults with Chronic Health Conditions.”
- Betty Dessie, senior, microbiology, “Understanding the Virulence Mechanisms and Factors of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia.”
- Alexis Finch, senior, biological sciences, “An Analysis of t(14;18) and Seasonality of Disease, Cause of Death and Other Chromosomal Abnormalities.”
- Himanshu Gandhi, junior, microbiology, “Predicting Microbial Community Colonization of the Mucosal Layer.”
- Bryce Herrington, senior, physics, “Yttrium Iron Garnet-Based Ferromagnetic Resonators.”
- Nicholas Kowal, senior, fisheries and wildlife, “Nebraska’s Short-Horned Lizard Genetic Diversity, Landscape Occupancy and Population Status Assessment (Year 3).”
- Clare Kramper, junior, history, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
- Aidan Larsen, senior, chemical engineering, “Investigating Ion Exchange with Poly(3,4-Ethylenedithiothiophene) when Synthesized in Oxidative Chemical Vapor Deposition Reactor.”
- Abbey O’Brien, senior, anthropology, “Wakara’s America: Mapping the Untold Story of the Indian Founding Father of the American West.”
- Clara Perez, senior, computer science, “What it Means to be a Proficient Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Pilot.”
- Isaac Regier, senior, mechanical engineering, “Generative Design in Aerospace-Designed Objects and Prototyping.”
- Boris Shabaltiy, senior, biochemistry, “Structural and Functional Characterization of PorX from Porphyromonas gingivalis.”
- Matthew Silver, senior, biological sciences, “Regulation of Mineral Uptake and Distribution to Support Fat Metabolism.”
- William Singh, senior, biochemistry, “Which Region of Stabilin-2 Binds with Heparin?”
- Luke Skrabal, senior, biological sciences, “Engineering Exosomes for Targeted miRNA Delivery to Cardiomyocytes.”
- Makenzie Starlin, senior, biochemistry, “Associations between Parenting Styles and Children’s Academic and Social-Emotional Outcomes across Middle Childhood.”
- Abigail Stevens, senior, biological sciences, “Impact of the t(14;18) Chromosomal Abnormality on Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma Subtypes in Nebraska.”
- Emily Stratman, senior, biological systems engineering, “Impact of Weekly Reflection Prompts on First-Year Engineering Students’ Metacognitive Strategies across an Entire Semester.”
- Louis Sully, senior, mechanical engineering, “Using DLP Bioprinting to Create Photo-Crosslinkable Hydrogel Patterns for Cell Patterning.”
- Josselyn Telule, senior, psychology, “Trans Collaborations Clinical Trial.”
- Edric Teut, senior, biological sciences, “Electron Transfer in Microorganisms: Essentiality of the E- and F- [Fe4S4] Clusters of the Methanosarcina acetivorans CODH Enzyme.”
- Rachel Thomson, senior, biochemistry, “Phenotypic, Genetic and Biochemical Analysis of CRISPR-Generated High-Lysine Maize and Sorghum.”
- Katie Tran, sophomore, nutrition and health sciences, “Editing RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerases in Arabidopsis thaliana Using CRISPR/Cas9.”
- Cindy Vasquez, senior, environmental science, “Decomposition Rates in Depressional Wetlands.”
- Grace Vollmuth, senior, interior design, “Lessons to Learn: Post-Pandemic Design and the Future of Retail Interiors.”
- Ethan Yaroch, senior, political science, “Analysis of State-Level Climate Mitigation Plans.”
- Jace Armstrong, senior, landscape architecture, “Parametricism in Planting Design: Computational Methods for Landscape Architecture.”
- Emma Farson, senior, biological sciences, “UNL Wellness Assessment Trends.”
- Kailee Ward, senior, microbiology, “Investigating the Interactions between Host Metabolic Genotype and Environmental Fermentation on Gut Microbiome Composition.”
- Ruthi Zielinski, junior, physics, “Yttrium Iron Garnet-Based Ferromagnetic Resonators.”
- Aleea Stanford, sophomore, mechanical engineering, “Enhanced Vibration Suppression in Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Vehicles.”
- Luke Keilig, junior, art, “Bryan West.”
- Charles McCoy, junior, mechanical engineering, “Breaking Strength Degradation of Different Polymers Commonly Used for Textiles Caused by Intense UV Light Exposure in the Presence of a Vacuum.”
- Jessica Sorsen, junior, geology, “Kane-Atlantis.”
- Alex Gee, senior, emerging media arts, “Expanded Realities: Spatial Storytelling and Locative Media.”
- Luryn Hendrickson, senior, architectural studies, “Architecture Hall Renovation: Experiential Learning through Direct Participation.”
South Sioux City:
- Blake Lindgren, junior, geology, “Ecology of Paleozoic Fauna.”
- Ben Vyzourek, senior, biochemistry, “Development of an mRNA Vaccine Against Human H3 Influenza A Virus.”
- Jackson Taylor, junior, mechanical engineering, “Flame Weeding Research in the Combustion Lab and in Crop Fields.”
- Cassidy Chase, senior, animal science, “Development of a Field Guide to the Microinvertebrates of the Antarctic Dry Valleys by Morphological and Molecular Methods.”
- Lauren Kasparek, junior, computer science, “Exploring Intelligent Methods to Vectorize Sequences toward Trees in Biological Contents.”
West Point:
- Thomas Hugo, senior, biochemistry, “Mechanisms behind Hepatocyte Damage Caused by Mineral Dysregulation and Excess Fat.”
Benson, Arizona:
- Anna Miles, senior, architectural studies, “Operational Landscapes of the Great Plains.”
Tucson, Arizona:
- Dane Chamberlin, sophomore, global studies, “Homerathon 2023.”
Bakersfield, California:
- Jessica Stump, senior, psychology, “Predictors of Ongoing Problems in Victims of Intimate Partner Violence-Related Brain Injury.”
Lakewood, California:
- Michelle Barbot, senior, psychology, “Identifying Cortical Thickness Changes in the Brain based on Sports-Related Concussion History/ADHD Diagnosis.”
Long Beach, California:
- Samantha Garcia, senior, fisheries and wildlife, “Understanding the Implications of Agriculture Intensification on Local Wildlife Communities Using Trail Camera Footage.”
Solana Beach, California:
- Noah Garcia, senior, mechanical engineering, “Designing a Single-Leg Soft Exoskeleton for Hemiparesis Patient Gait Assistance.”
Fort Collins, Colorado:
- Andrea Goertzen, senior, chemical engineering, “Assessing the Metabolic Features of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Potential Drug Targets through Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling.”
- Sally Johnson, sophomore, elementary education, “Cather Archive Collection.”
Highlands Ranch, Colorado:
- Keely Perkins, senior, interior design, “Lessons to Learn: Post-Pandemic Design and the Future of Retail Interiors.”
- Reed Rohr, senior, biochemistry, “Does Heparin Bind Rodent Stabilin-2?”
Arlington Heights, Illinois:
- Clarissa Mason, senior, chemistry, “Evaluation of the Chemistry Teaching Assistant Mentor Program.”
Bartlett, Illinois:
- Sophia Smyth, junior, psychology, “That’s Sick: Implicit Learning and the Processing of Ambiguous Stimuli.”
Bloomingdale, Illinois:
- Juliana Amato, senior, economics, “Surveying the Structures of U.S. Water Governance.”
Cherry Valley, Illinois:
- Grace Claussen, senior, biological sciences, “ZIKV Particle and APP Processing In Vitro.”
Deer Park, Illinois:
- Carly Trebac, senior, biological sciences, “Responses to Conspecific Alarm Calls of a Wintering Bird Species.”
Hanover Park, Illinois:
- Seth Caines, senior, environmental engineering, “Textiles as a Source of Microplastic Fibers to Nebraska Streams.”
Mount Prospect, Illinois:
- Rowan Foort, senior, social science, “Improving Teaching and Learning in Secondary Social Studies.”
Naperville, Illinois:
- Gabrielle Modica, junior, animal science, “The Effect of FSH on Heifer Ovarian Cortex Fibrosis Levels In Vitro.”
Plainfield, Illinois:
- Juan Silva, senior, physics, “Probing the Higgs Trilinear Coupling in Di-Higgs Production at the LHC.”
Shorewood, Illinois:
- Kaden Monk, sophomore, mechanized systems management, “Autonomous Tendering of Unmanned Ground Vehicles by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.”
Ames, Iowa:
- Kalim Dumas, senior, computer engineering, “Mixed-Initiative Solvers For Managing UNL’s Math Day Event.”
Ankeny, Iowa:
- Nate Petsche, senior, music, “Productions on a Dime: An Exploration of Low-Budget Musical Theatre for High Schools.”
Cedar Rapids, Iowa:
- Natalia Hagen, junior, fisheries and wildlife, “Surveying the Structures of U.S. Water Governance.”
Glenwood, Iowa:
- Quin Barton, sophomore, biological sciences, “Melanin Production and Regulation in Exophiala viscosium and Exophiala limosus.”
Norwalk, Iowa:
- Emma Soukup, senior, mechanical engineering, “Reciprocity-Breaking Suspension Devices for Isolation in Harsh Environments.”
Lawrence, Kansas:
- Nathan Hill, junior, history, “Homerathon 2023.”
Leavenworth, Kansas:
- Collin Shearman, senior, interior design, “Till r.+u.: Housing Structure Prototypes.”
Olathe, Kansas:
- Rudra Dixit, senior, biological sciences, “Microbiome Role in Susceptibility to Disease in a Population.”
Overland Park, Kansas:
- Chase Auman, senior, biochemistry, “A Behavioral Economics Approach to Caffeine and Methylphenidate Reward Enhancement.”
- Christie Seyl, senior, psychology, “Traits Associated with Social Scientist Researchers’ Inclusivity of Transgender and Gender Diverse Communities.”
Shawnee, Kansas:
- Shaina Isaacsen, senior, English, “Healing from Sexual Assault: A Research-Based Fiction Writing Project.”
Stilwell, Kansas:
- Bethany Ham, senior, forensic science, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
Saginaw, Michigan:
- Chase Resio, senior, computer science, “Mixed-Initiative Solvers For Managing UNL’s Math Day Event.”
Lakeville, Minnesota:
- Emily Plotnik, junior, biological sciences, “Quantification and Correlation of pH Levels, Short Chain Fatty Acid Concentrations and Bifidobacterium infantis Levels in a Mouse Model of Peanut Allergy.”
North Mankato, Minnesota:
- Austin Herold, senior, biological sciences, “Investigating Host Preference for Phoresy across Microhabitats in the Nebraska-Native Pseudoscorpion Dactylochelifer silvestris.”
Woodbury, Minnesota:
- Abigail Hanson, senior, history, “Nebraska Holocaust Survivor and WWII Veteran Network and Educational Portal.”
Florissant, Missouri:
- Brooke Strautmann, sophomore, biological sciences, “Generational and Developmental Effects Pathogenic Stenotrophomonas Bacteria on Caenorhabditis elegans Survivorship.”
Kingsville, Missouri:
- Ellie Russell, senior, history, “Petitioning for Freedom: Habeas Corpus in the American West.”
Las Vegas, Nevada:
- Brianna Ryan, senior, chemical engineering, “Correlating the Effective Pore Size of Deposited COFs with the Linker Size and Processing Condition.”
Chesterfield, New Jersey:
- Maya Tanikawa-Brown, sophomore, food science and technology, “Sustainability in Dining at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.”
Albuquerque, New Mexico:
- Rose Pineda, senior, mechanical engineering, “Fabrication and Mechanical Testing of Hydrogel Beads for a Heterogenous Brain Model.”
Stillwater, Oklahoma:
- Calvin Smith, junior, nutrition and health sciences, “Differences in Coactivation of the Forearm Flexors and Extensors in the Ipsilateral and Contralateral Arms between Fatiguing Muscle Actions at 30 vs. 80%, One Rep Maximum.”
Tulsa, Oklahoma:
- Jordan Bollinger, senior, biological systems engineering, “Identifying Predicting Factors for Speech Perception Outcomes in Individuals with Cochlear Implants.”
Blawnox, Pennsylvania:
- Natalie Beattie, senior, history, “Nebraska Holocaust Survivor and WWII Veteran Network and Educational Portal.”
York, Pennsylvania:
- Chloe Hoover, junior, management, “Sustainability in Dining at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln.”
Aberdeen, South Dakota:
- Nathan Ottenbacher, senior, biochemistry, “Chromatin Immunoprecipitation Assays for Dissection of Protein-DNA Interactions in Plants and Microorganisms.”
Dakota Dunes, South Dakota:
- Samantha Drury, senior, biochemistry, “Combination of Genetic Modification and Induction of IPSCs from Personalized Cells.”
Austin, Texas:
- Erik Holmertz, senior, microbiology, “Mix and Match: Antigen Exposure and Environmental Factors Affecting Longevity of Daphnia magna.”
Murphy, Texas:
- Sarah Loftus, senior, biological systems engineering, “The Effects of Aging on Lipid Metabolism on Hepatic Co-culture.”
The Colony, Texas:
- Layla Montemayor, junior, mathematics, “Nonlocal Heterogeneous Operators.”
Ferndale, Washington:
- Mason Rutgers, junior, plant and landscape systems, “Modification of the Loss-on-Ignition Method to Improve Predictions of Organic Matter in Soils Containing Minerals Derived from Volcanic Ash.”
Sun Prairie, Wisconsin:
- Paige Jennings, junior, psychology, “Homerathon 2023.”
Waterford, Wisconsin:
- Isabella North, senior, biological systems engineering, “Microfluidics: Finding the Atheroprotective Range of Shear Stress for Endothelial Cells.”
Amritsar, India:
- Divsirat Singh, junior, computer science, “Social Media Data Mining of Health (Mis)Information.”
Ludhiana, India:
- Simreen Kaur, senior, computer science, “Assessment and Improvement of Next-Generation Transcriptome Assembly.”
Casablanca, Morocco:
- Mo Sbai, junior, mechanical engineering, “Multitask Robotic Prosthetic Leg for Lower Limb Amputees.”
Wadi Al Ain, Oman:
- Humaid Musallam Hamed Muslem Al Hinai, junior, landscape architecture, “Prairie States Forestry Archive.”
Seoul, South Korea:
- Ye Jung Cho, senior, civil engineering, “Crash Exposure of Pedestrian with Location-Based Service Data.”
- Taesung Kim, senior, chemistry, “Protective Role of Mammalian Sestrin2 against Arsenic-Induced Cytotoxicity.”
Hanoi, Vietnam:
- Eddie Pham, senior, chemistry, “Influence on Peroxide Structure on Reactivity toward C-O Bond Formation.”
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam:
- Mai Pham, senior, psychology, “Parental Intergenerational Influences” and “Parental Psychopathology.”