The Student Impact Awards were announced for 2022-23 by Student Leadership, Involvement and Community Engagement at an evening reception in the Nebraska Union on May 4.
Student Impact Awards celebrate the outstanding contributions to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln community by the more than 550 Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs) and their leaders.
This year's nominees included 54 organizations, 36 individuals and 17 programs.
The ceremony included a new category of honorees, with 28 students receiving Husker Volunteer Designation certificates for completing over 100 volunteer hours with nonprofit organizations.
Award recipients are highlighted below in the list of nominees.
Program of the Year
- WINNER: 2023 Engineers Without Borders Midwest Regional Conference, Engineers Without Borders
- Battle of the Halls, Residence Hall Association
- Climate Rally, Sustain UNL
- Diversity Celebration, Middle Eastern & North African Student Association
- Diwali 2022, India Student Association
- Martin Luther King Jr. Banquet, Afrikan People's Union
- Patriot Day Memorial, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Roller Skating Revival, Residence Hall Association & Campus NightLife
- Rwandan Night, Rwandan Student Association
Student Organization Philanthropy and Service
- WINNER: St. Baldrick's Shave for the Brave, National Residence Hall Honorary
- A Pie for You, Afrikan People's Union
- Blood Drive, Innocents Society
- Don't Forget About Us, Delta Xi Nu
- Engineers Without Borders, Engineers Without Borders
- First-Generation Scholarship, Delta Phi Lambda
- Fish Fry, Beta Sigma Psi
- Hoop It, Alpha Omicron Pi
- I Love My Dog Expo, Public Relations Student Society of America
- Missing & Exploited Children, Delta Xi Nu
Diversity and Inclusion Award
- WINNER: Racial Justice Alliance
- Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Engineers Without Borders
- International Student Advisory Board
- Middle Eastern and North African Student Association
- UNL Unified Special Olympics College Club
Outstanding Commitment to Recruitment
- WINNER: Mexican American Student Association
- WINNER: Rocktavo
- Afrikan People's Union
- Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Multicultural Greek Council
- Sustain UNL
Outstanding New Student Organization
- WINNER: The Marvel Bunch
- Insect Science Club
- National Society of Black Engineers
- Physics and Astronomy Graduate Student Association
- Pre-Genetic Counseling Club of UNL
- Random Acts of Kindness
Outstanding Student Organization
- WINNER: Sustain UNL
- Afrikan People's Union
- Agronomy and Horticulture Graduate Student Association
- Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Gamma Iota Sigma
- Herpetology Club
- Husker Venture Fund
- Middle Eastern and North African Student Association
- Mind & Craft
- Public Relations Student Society of America
- School of Natural Resources Graduate Student Association
- Spectrum UNL
- UNL Hip Hop Dance Club
- Women's Volleyball Club
Sport Club of the Year
- WINNER: UNL Women's Soccer Club
- UNL Men's Ice Hockey Club
- UNL Rowing Club
- Women's Club Volleyball
Outstanding Advisor
- WINNER: Cameya Ramirez-Rousseau, Mexican American Student Association
- Marlene Beyke, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Charlie Foster, Afrikan People's Union
- Morgan Green McConnell, Massengale Senate
- Quinna Hogan, Multicultural Greek Council & Pan-Hellenic Council
- Quinna Hogan, National Pan-Hellenic Council
- Terri James, Horticulture Club
- Dr. Colleen Kadleck, Criminal Justice Student Association
- Karen Stelling, Aerospace Club
- Elyse Watson, UNL Wildlife Club
Outstanding New Advisor
- WINNER: Aaron Dueker, UNL Unified Special Olympics College Club
- Dr. Christian Elowsky, Plant Biology Club
- Monty Larsen, Agricultural Education Club/Alpha Tau Alpha
- Dr. Sam Nelson, Husker Venture Fund
- Dr. Dave Remund, Public Relations Student Society of America
- Dr. Tony Roebuck, National Society of Black Engineers
- Jacob Schlange, UNL Quiz Bowl Club-Jacob Schlange
- Dr. Troy White, Agricultural Education Club/Alpha Tau Alpha
Outstanding Student Organization Member
- WINNER: Allison Pachunka, Students for Education Exotic & Companion Animals
- Shahla Abrahim, Middle Eastern & North African Student Association
- Kevin Fierro, UNL Rowing Club
- Mariah Greggs, Racial Justice Alliance
- Chrissy Gulseth, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Jessica Kruse, Sigma Psi Zeta
- Jimmy Whebbe, Husker Venture Fund
Outstanding Student Organization Officer
- WINNER: Cordell Vrbka, First Generation Student Organization
- Yousra Abdulrazig, Delta Xi Nu
- Edajah Aden, Afrikan People's Union
- Sara Al-Rishawi, Middle Eastern and North African Student Association
- Audrey Anderson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Quiz Bowl Club
- Cleopatra Babor, Plant Biology Club
- Elena Butler, National Society of Black Engineers
- Deepa Choudhry, India Student Association
- Samuel DeZube, Husker Venture Fund
- Faith Herbers, Criminal Justice Student Association
- Tyler Janda, Criminal Justice Student Association
- Houman Kosari Rad, Iranian Student Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Xinyu Liu, National Residence Hall Honorary
- Alec Miller, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska
- Joel Murch-Shafer, Aerospace Club
- Oghenetega Obewhere, National Society of Black Engineers
- Ali Akbar Rezaei Lori, Iranian Student Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Payton Schaefer, Spectrum UNL
- Megan Snow, UNL Herpetology Club
- Kailee Ward, Pre-Genetic Counseling Club of UNL
Outstanding Student Organization President
- WINNER: Nyagoa Deng, Afrikan People's Union
- Nyawa Allieu, National Society of Black Engineers
- Taylor Daum, First Generation Student Organization
- Rebekkah Draucker, Criminal Justice Student Association
- Isaiah Griffith, Cinema16
- Maria Heyen, Husker Venture Fund
- Sophia Hill, UNL Unified Special Olympics Club
- Kaianna Hraban, The UNL Wildlife Club
- Madison Hurst, Residence Hall Association
- Nia Johnson, OASIS Student Advisory Board
- Furqan Mahdi, Middle Eastern and North African Student Association
- Thara Michaelis, Laurus Magazine
- Ali Akbar Rezaei Lori, Iranian Student Organization at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- Julia Stephenson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Mock Trial Organization
- Noah Stussie, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Fraternity
- Rachel Summers, Sustain UNL
- Sydney Wagner, Public Relations Student Society of America
Sport Club Athlete of the Year
- WINNER: Allison Linton, UNL Climbing Club
- WINNER: Sam Weber, Nebraska Waterski Club
Student Leadership Award
- WINNER: Jacob Vanderford
- Mandy Lawson
- Furqan Madhi
- Alexandria Rinne
Husker Volunteer Designation
- Brianna Bernhardt
- Darynn Burke
- Ethan Clinchard
- Robert Coleman
- Eleanor Cok
- Caitlyn Croft
- Alexis Dent
- Elijah Doyle
- Carly Gartner
- Ethan Grinder
- Madison Hurst
- Chase Kling
- Nyantiop Mading
- Alejandro Marquez
- Luke McDermott
- Kendra Marshall
- Ivan Molina Jr.
- Maggie Nielsen
- Maria Nunes Dias
- Caleb Osmond
- Zuha Qadeer
- Grace Reiman
- Shelby Rickert
- Mel Schwensen
- Antonio Soto
- Madeline Splichal
- Ali Warneking