Neale concludes Natural Resources' fall seminar series

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Neale concludes Natural Resources’ fall seminar series

Christopher Neale
Christopher Neale

Christopher Neale, director of research of the University of Nebraska’s Robert B. Daugherty Water for Food Institute, will present “Monitoring Invasive Vegetation Species in Western Rivers and Wetlands Using High-resolution Airborne Remote Sensing” at 3:30 p.m., Dec. 2 in the Hardin Hall Auditorium. The seminar is free and open to the public.

Neale oversees the institute’s research efforts, engaging University of Nebraska faculty in new projects and initiating other partnerships to help address the critical water for food challenges facing our world. He also holds an academic appointment in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Department of Biological Systems Engineering and a research appointment in the UNL School of Natural Resources Center for Advanced Land Management Information Technologies.

Additionally, he is president of the International Commission on Remote Sensing of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences.

Neale was previously a professor in the irrigation engineering division of the divil and environmental engineering department at Utah State University, where he served as a leader in remote sensing and management of agricultural water resources since 1988. He holds a doctorate in agricultural engineering from Colorado State University.

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