Forty University of Nebraska-Lincoln students were initiated into membership in Phi Beta Kappa on April 30.
Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest academic honor society, recognizing and encouraging a commitment to excellence in the liberal arts and sciences.
The following is a list of the students who were inducted, including their academic major(s) and their parents’ and spouses’ names. All were in the May 9 graduating class, unless otherwise noted.
Alliance: Daniel McEowen, film studies and French, Kenneth and Donna McEowen of Alliance.
Bellevue: Andrea M. Meinders, psychology, Steven and Linda Meinders of Bellevue.
Davey: Molly Storm, global studies, Dale and Peggy Storm of Davey.
David City: Mary Margaret Klosterman, biology, Jack and Julie Klosterman of David City.
Elkhorn: Hillary Naumann, communication studies (December), Robert and Maureen Naumann of Omaha.
Holdrege: Brittney Meshael Moriarty, English and political science, Kevin and Meshael Moriarty of Holdrege.
Kennard: Molly Marie Miller, chemistry, Scott and Kimberly Miller of Kennard.
Lincoln: Scott Ingham, chemistry, William and Nancy Ingham of Lincoln; Haley Keller, political science and global studies, Brent and Nancy Keller of Pleasant Dale; Michael Killingsworth, psychology, sociology and political science, Kim and Christy Killingsworth of Lincoln; Emily Madcharo, global studies and Russian, Michael and Kelly Madcharo of Lincoln; Kathryn Pauley, art (graphic design) and advertising, David and Joan Pauley of Lincoln; Danielle Pringle, English and medieval and Renaissance studies, Brian Nabity of Palmyra and Christina Pringle of Lincoln; Nicholas Lewis Voboril, history, Spanish and medieval and Renaissance studies, Gary and Kami Voboril of Lincoln; Abigail Wegehaupt, biology, Tom and Karlene Wegehaupt of Lincoln.
McCook: Elise Polly, sociology, David and Karla Polly of McCook.
Omaha: Andrew Blazek, biochemistry and Spanish, Peter Blazek of Acworth, Georgia, and Jean Hearn of Omaha; Alison Marie Brokke, psychology and Spanish, Scott Brokke of La Vista and Annette Thompson of Omaha; Luke Huber, biochemistry, Billy and Kris Huber of Omaha; Allison Knightly, ethnic studies and political science, Robert Knightly and Rebecca Knightly, both of Omaha; Allison O’Dell, English and English secondary education, David and Jackie O’Dell of Omaha; David “Jude” Olney, music education and psychology, Richard and Ann Olney of Omaha, husband of Rachel Salyers; Jennifer Swenson, political science and English, John and Pam Swenson of Omaha.
Potter: Kirstie Anna Smith, biological sciences and theatre performance, (Joseph) Casey and Claire Smith of Potter.
Tecumseh: Kassie Dawn Guenther, psychology, Theron and Kimberly Guenther of Tecumseh.
Wahoo: Emily Brodahl, psychology, Dave and Kim Brodahl of Wahoo.
Walton: William Hynes, biochemistry, Phillip and Diane Hynes of Walton.
West Point: Alex Hansen, biological sciences, Jay and Linda Hansen of West Point.
Wilcox: Hannah Artz, biological sciences and Spanish, Brent and Holly Artz of Wilcox.
Boulder, Colorado: Davis Goodin, computer science, Douglas and Emily Goodin of Boulder.
Worthington, Minnesota: Ellen Jo Dudley, psychology, Steve and Lori Dudley of Worthington.
Columbia, Missouri: Jonathan Gunter, actuarial science, Kevin and Kelly Gunter of Columbia.
Kansas City, Missouri: Jasmine Frazier, environmental studies and anthropology, Mark and Jodd Frazier of Kansas City.
Lawton, Oklahoma: Adam Lambert, history and medieval and Renaissance studies, Michael and Audine Lambert of Lawton.
Editor’s note: The list of students in this news release does not include all Phi Beta Kappa inductees as some students did not release biographical information.