University of Nebraska-Lincoln Chancellor Ronnie Green has asked the executive vice chancellor search committee to review an additional candidate’s qualifications and fit for the senior administrative position, which includes responsibility as the university’s top academic officer.
Earlier this month, four finalists visited the university and met with students, staff, faculty and stakeholders. While Green said all four were well-qualified, the “search has not yet identified the ideal candidate at this important juncture in our university’s history,” he wrote in an Oct. 28 message to campus.
The chancellor has instructed the 28-member search committee, led by Arts and Sciences Dean Joseph Francsico and Sherri Jones, chair of the department of special education and communication disorders, to continue its work in bringing qualified candidates for consideration.
“We are now returning to a point in which the committee must do its work to analyze an additional candidate’s qualifications and fit for the position,” Green wrote. “If the committee determines this candidate should move forward to finalist stage, we will follow the same protocol we have used for the first four finalists, which will include naming the candidate, providing background and holding a series of public forums and opportunities for interaction and feedback.”
The executive vice chancellor, formerly known as the senior vice chancellor for academic affairs, is responsible for the administration, coordination and development of general policies and functions applicable to all academic programs. In addition, the executive vice chancellor is the university’s responsible authority in the absence of the chancellor.