In his Nov. 8 Nebraska Lecture, University of Nebraska-Lincoln drone journalism expert Matthew Waite will discuss how disagreement over regulation is limiting the Drone Age’s potential in the United States.

Here are a few for starters:
770,000-plus – consumer drones registered with the Federal Aviation Administration
1.1 million-plus – estimated consumer drones in the United States
3.55 million – predicted number of consumer drones in the country by 2021, according to the FAA
42,000 – commercial drones registered with the FAA
442,000 – predicted number of commercial drones in the country by 2021, according to the FAA
82 billion-plus – predicted economic impact in dollars between 2015 and 2025 of integrating drones into the U.S. National Airspace System
16 – minimum age of pilot as required by FAA commercial drone rules
55 –weight in pounds, including an attached load, that a consumer or commercial drone must be under
100 – maximum miles per hour at which consumer or commercial drones are allowed to fly
400 – maximum height in feet at which consumer or commercial drones are allowed to fly
2 – drones to be given away to audience members during the Nebraska Lecture